Cramp in right abdomen?

Its not fruitless enough to be appendicitis, and its noticeably not that time of month either. I get a few sharp pains in the area over olden times few days as well but they with the sole purpose lasted a few second each

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You've have abdominal pain for several hours, and in attendance doesn't seem to be any nouns in verbs. Should you wait it out or hope help right away?
Abdominal distress is common. Episodes normally stem from overeating or eating too much of a certain type of food. Sometimes a viral or bacterial infection is responsible. In other cases, the aching may be an early stipulation sign of something more serious.
Where does it hurt?
The number of organs in your abdomen and the complex signals they distribute can make it tough to pinpoint the grounds of abdominal pain. Sometimes, the location of your throbbing can help dictatorial the list.
So short being see by your doc., it would be difficult to diagnose our symptoms.

Is it menopause?

It sounds like it could be an ovarian cyst. I carry them from time to time and when I do, it feels pretty desperate. It can range from a stabbing torment to a dull aching strain. It's usually on one side and it seems to be worse when I use the bathroom. If I own to push at all or tight up my abdomen resembling when lifting or something then the anguish will increase. I don't know if this is what you are experiencing but if it sounds in anyway the same afterwards try to take some advil or Ibuprofen because they will cause the inflammation to progress down and make you have a feeling better.

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You wrote, "Its not unpromising enough to be appendicitis." Actually, it could be appendicitis. With me, it started out as indigestion, and progressed, inwardly hours, to pain so impossible I couldn't stand up straight. But, it's not always similar to that. I'd get it checked out, if I be you. If it is appendicitis, and you let it progress to the point where on earth you need emergency surgery, you won't hold any choice about doctor or hospital. Better to be out of danger than sorry.

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There are several causes of abdominal affliction:

Ovarian Cyst - most are nothing to verbs over but some must be treated

Appendicitis - If this is the case next you may also have diarreha and restlessness, or you may not.

Ovulation - Some women get misery before, during, or after ovulation and the affliction signifies nothing sinister.


Ectopic Pregnancy - sometimes accompany by a multitude of other seemingly unrelated symptoms

Stones - Kidney, bladder, etc, can cause misery.

Nothing at all - sometimes things only just hurt for no apparent reason

No doctor could diagnose your situation next to the little information you have given us, but if it really worries you and continues for much long you should see a doctor if solitary to allay your fears.

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Check near your doctor.

Appendicitis symptoms and pain swing very widely, and if that infected appendix ruptures, it releases intestinal contents and the infection into your belly.

This is peritonitis, and left untreated, can be homicidal.

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