dayum my nipples just turned purple and im horny and i didnt do ne tjing to them help!?

omg!! plz HELP!

White discharge?

According to your other questions you're going through puberty, so yes this is without a flaw normal.

Puberty brings on varying hormone level which can have alot of side effects on your body, and to be honest you should be glad you're solitary getting horny and not something worse ^^ And if you worry, only just remember you're not the only personage :) It's fairly comon, few friends of mine have the same effects.

Good luck going through puberty ^^

how long one can deferment DnC after missed abortion?

if your going though puberty (ages 13-17) this is normal. ull be turned on outstandingly easily. whats so discouraging about anyone horny anyway?

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