Problems down below!!?

I have a whitish discharge for rather while now, and I own been to my local GUM Clinic and be tested, and all the test have come backbone negative, and it Was suggested that I prob enjoy thrush! I was advise to buy some canesten and it should clear up... Well I have taken it twice very soon and Ive still got the problem.

Does anyone else enjoy any sugestions? What it might be? Or what I should do next?

Thanks for taking the time to read my query?

so i have pimples but they wont dance away what is the best way to wash your facade?

If you have have tests that hold come back refusal then who have suggested you may have thrush? If you have thrush then this would own resulted in a positive audition from the GUM clinic and they would have given you medication to treat the infection. Given as you own been told you do not hold any infections this surely settles this question at hand and then.

White discharge is average it is how your vagina cleans itself, you will also have cervical mucus around your fertile time of year and lubrication when aroused, discharge will often adjustment colour and amount throughout your cycle as different hormones effect your reproductive organs.

Are you sure this is not just mundane discharge?
What other symptoms do you have?
Why do you feel it is a problem?

What is the minimum normal capacity of sexual urge for a working lady of 34 yrs short any disease?

Go back to see your GP

ive have unprotected sex 23 times in times gone by four days what is the likelyhood of me being pregnant?

Everyone have a whitish discharge, it's normal

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dont even know what you are talking roughly

Laser hair removal?!?

its immaculately normal to hold a whitish discharge.
its nothing to be worried almost.

i am 19 and am 112pounds is that underweight coz am really skinny and i would like to put on some cargo?

It probably is a yeast infection. If that was the grip, you'd need to restriction the consumption of sugars and sweets, that'll help. You may also try this: mix contained by a bottle 3/4 of water beside 1/4 of regular vinegar. Sitting at the toilet, rinse using all the fluid. Repit as many times as you obligation during a day. This is important even when there is itching and it won't burn your skin. well-mannered luck!

Can you have sex?

An critical question is sexual buzz. Sometimes it isn't accurate to simply say yes or no. Symptoms can depend on the number of sexual partner, kind of sexual partner, birth control, birth control failure, kindly of sex you are having and if rough up is involved. I think you can see, it can get hold of pretty complicated to get adjectives the information needed to give the best answer possible.

With that said, here is my best answer to the adjectives question of vaginal discharge.

A everyday vaginal discharge consists of about a teaspoon (4 ML) a daytime that is white or transparent, gelatinous to thin, and odorless. This is formed by the mundane bacteria and fluids the vaginal cell put off. The discharge can be more distinguishable at different times of the month depending on ovulation, menstrual flow, sexual activity and birth control.

It is not atypical for the normal discharge to be gloomy, brown or discolored a day or two following the menstrual extent.

If you are having ANY of the symptoms below SEE YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER.



Rash or sores alone or near a vaginal discharge.

Different Types of Discharge

White: Thick, white discharge is common at the start and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompany by itching. If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and finances you are ovulating.

Clear and watery: This occur at different times of your cycle and can be particularly big after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if thick or clumpy similar to cottage cheese or has a foul odor.

Brown: May occur right after periods, and is basically "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.

Spotting Blood/Brown Discharge: This may occur when you are ovulating/mid-cycle. Sometimes precipitate in pregnancy you may enjoy spotting or a brownish discharge at the time your period would customarily come. If you have spotting at the time of your conventional period fairly than your usual amount of flow, and you have have sex without using birth control, you should check a pregnancy experiment.

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start eating like mad of yogurt

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There is a carnival possibility its thrush and hasnn't cleared up. you need any a pessary or the oral tablet as well as the cream to clear it up. and sometimes more than one dose. I suggest going stern to the doctors and getting it on prescription as it works out expensive to keep going pay for to the pharmasist. The doctor can also do a simple swab test to recount if it is thrush.
Good luck!

If I use the appetite suppresent Stacker 3 will it interfere with the worth of my birth control pills?

It is normal to hold a whitish discharge from down below so don't worry!

what is the biggest breast?

Try using innate yoghurt. (to spread on your nether regions) it's supposed to work a treat. Use only a few teaspoons.The live microbes in the yoghurt will multiply and consume the thrush. Wash out yourself contained by the bath the following morning, using your fingers, and repeat the treatment each day until symptoms improve.
You can also try totalling a few tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda to your bath river to reduce tartness.

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Hmmmm, i reckon you should keep using the cream and if it does convey on, go see a feminine doctor..

Accidentally took 2 birth control pills at once?

If the only symptom is a whitish discharge consequently that is entirely ordinary.

The only time you should verbs is when it's smelly, blood stained, yellow or green. Also if you are surrounded by pain or are immensely itchy. If none of those apply then stop worrying - it's totally majority.

How can I relieve my cramps?

White discharge is normal, unless it's gummy and itchy it won't be thrush. Make sure you wear cotton undies and use a feminine soap so your PH levels aren't messed near.

For the girls? has anyone tried moon cups?

It can be slightly normal as long as you are not experiencing itching or that the discharge does not smell.

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it sounds normal to me you would know if its thrush because you go and get sore and itchy only when it change coluor should you think its some article else

I am almost sure the urethra is where your urine come out?

you may be diabetic or own an underlying infection somewhere else in you body making you susceptible to this. go and carry some blood tests from your doctor.

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