I havnt vomited since i be 9 , why ?

my bigest phobia is vomiting, vomit, the smell of vomit or hearing someone vomit. anything t o do with it make me cringe and shiver. when i am near someone or have see someone vomit near me i start to cry my eyes out and i shake really badly

i havnt vomited within 7 years and the last time i did i had a stomach migrain(what the doc call it) and i took my pills and did exercise which i was told not to do after i take them which is why i vomited

presently adays if i feel like i am sick or i am going to vomit i dont know how but i can supress it( not proverb i swallow) but if i feel like it could happend somehow my body stops this and surrounded by about and 30-60 mins i dont feel sick anymore

why is this, theories from you guys are appreciated because im so confused?

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Mind over business perhaps? I am the same as you, I attain very panicky and upset when I feel sick/think I am going to be sick. Every time I enjoy those feelings I sit down quietly and drink and cup of cold water to calm down. I haven't thrown up surrounded by 5 years and I really do think it has something to do near your mind controlling your body and stopping yourself doing something you really don't want to.

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Julian how can not vomiting for 7 years be pregnancy?! Pregnancy lasts 9 months..And since no baby, no pregnancy!

Well you can attain treatment for a phobia of sick! I would go to your gp and asked to be reffered if its bothering you that you cant throw up. If its not bothering you and you prefer not to then resembling the first answerer said, some people just dont vomitl.

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the body change something cronic --- i was once like you --- except if i see someone ( or something ) give me an excuse to vomit it is surely someone or something that makes me feel i hold to do the same " in sympathy " --- crazy but true .
dutiful luck .

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hey idk whats up but look at these pics


hope i helped

What could it be?

Sickness of the stomach, could be the stomach flu, could be nerves or pregnancy. See a doctor to see why.

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You're not the only one.
I'm 43 and haven't vomited since I be a child! It's probably been about 35 years! Sometimes I desire I would because I get an upset stomach or just surface miserable.

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I hate vomiting and even if I know I need to I suppress it. It is the worst sentiment in the world to me to be nauseous I cant stand it!

Kind of an awkward query..?

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