ive had unprotected sex 23 times in the past four days what is the likelyhood of me being pregnant?


New to birth control?

Not quite as high-ranking as the likelyhood of you having an STD.

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Can anyone tell me how to grasp firmer beasts i have a baby 22 months ago and they look abit discouraged can anyone help?


What should i do?

I don't believe you. Unless you're seeing blue.

Periods ?

chances are especially good.

Buy some condoms and start using them. A lifetime of an incurable sexual disease is a short time ago not worth it!

And even with condoms, you really inevitability a backup method.

I had anal sex for the first time today and bleed?

about like likelyhood as you being the most unconscious person on the planet

I appropriate triameterene and hctz for a water pill. I am enjoy leg cramps ity says not to cart potassium?

Have some more and then call upon me in the morning

Intestines or fallopian tubes?

I guess you are trying to draw from pregnant? Depends on the time of your cycle, how old you are etc. If you are trying to procure pregnant, you are better off doing it once per year for 23 days instead of 23 times in 1 day.

Ok this is really embarassing but(girls)?

it depends on what time of the month it is. you are only probable to get pregnant a few days out of the month. it depends on if you be within that time frame or not. It individual takes one time!

I just now purchased some "fun things" online?

WOW! I don't even think you should be worrying going on for a child. You should be worried about contracting a disease. PLEASE move about to the doctor!

What do you prefer?

Are you trying to get pregnant? Has the 23 occurences be with alike guy? Is he able to reproduce? When did your concluding cycle start/finish? These are factors involved to precisely speak likely or unlikely.

What hold your experiences with fibromyalgia be like?

How the hell did you direct to have sex 23 times contained by the past 4 days?

Are you a porn star or something?

I wouldn't verbs so much about the pregnancy, how going on for the infections and diseases, do you realize that you could have contracted ANYTHING.

All those men you slept beside, could quite well have slept near many other women in need using protection. Meaning that you have slept near all of those women too and could hold anything they have.

Get yourself to the doctors and subsequent time don't be so stupid!

I need back please. i keep intuition?

zero if you're a guy. Otherwise, it depends on where you're at on your cycle (and as you would expect whether it's a Harley or a Honda.)

Do your cycle change or shift back to commonplace after a miscarriage?

depends . did u do it with men or beast?

Questions about ovarian cyst and tryin to conceive?

Pretty fitting. You are more likley to have an STD. Go win yourself checked out. Use your brain.

how can i keep my scalp from itching when i hold braids on?

Pregnancy is the least of your worries. You have need of to ask why you had unprotected sex 23 times. In 4 days?

Is it regular to have white fluid camouflage form my breast.Im not pregnant and or have any strength problems.?

okay, i don't know how you did that, but you have a greater arbitrary of getting a STD then anyone pregnant.

the pill and nausea?

ok first of all, WHY IN THE H*LL ARE YOU HAVING UNPROTECTED SEX?!?!? second i really hope its beside the same guy if not you'll probably end up on one of those "who's my daddy" shows on maury.. and do you want to be pregnant? i really hope you do if you have this much unprotected sex..i guess let me know if you are pregnant

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