I need female help?

I don't use Sanitary napkins only tampons but end December I had a super brawny period that required me to use both. I changed perchance once an hour. It lasted for almost a month and the doctor's said nearby was nought wrong, that I was a short time ago adjusting to some change (whatever that meant). Well the reason I never use napkins is because I contemplate I am alergic to them. It itches and this is why I only use tampons. Well anyway since I used them for a long time I kept scratch and scratching. Then I started using Vagisil creme, wipe and powder and I still itch. The doctor says to hold using it but it has be 8 months now and I enjoy a terrible reckless that doesn't go away and I don't know what to do. Please abet me.

How can I stop biting my nails?

Both commercial tampons and commercial pad contain bleaches and chemicals to make them whiter – this is the merely reason they use these engineering methods, in making them 'whiter than white' it is imply menstruation is dirty furthering taboos about menstruation that keeps women believing solitary 'whiter than white' products will do and so keeping their customer base strong.

These chemicals and bleach produce problems;

-Your vagina has organic flora (bacteria) that help hang on to it healthy, chemicals within or around the vagina can interrupt natural vaginal PH, this in turn lead to an imbalance within the vagina's natural flora principal to certain germs or yeast to overgrow leading to infections such as bacterial vaginosis or thrush.
-Your vagina is made up of mucosa that does not hold the protective layer as skin does so the chemicals can product their way into the body much easier than they would do if they have just come into contact next to your skin.
-Chemicals used can irritate the skin or cause allergies, the mucosa is more sensitive than skin, tampons also make happen vaginal splitting and irritation that can further irritation and risk of infections.

Commercial pads are also made from synthetic matter such as the paper pulp that make up the main constituent of the pad, gel as the spongy core and plastic backing, adjectives together this means that not solitary are the plastics irritating but they all prevent aeration – when your vulva is not in good health ventilated it resources it remains moist and warm and so the faultless environment for yeast to multiply leading to yeast infections. Commercial tampons do not simply have the issues of chemicals and bleach but also by their markedly nature they are unpromising for vaginal health as they prevent your vagina from cleaning itself out, they endow with bacteria and yeast the prefect place to multiply and do vaginal splitting as well as result surrounded by fibre loss, adjectives this adds up to increased risk of infections and TSS.

Vagisil is funny, they own advertisements for their cream to cure 'feminine itching' they afterwards follow those adverts next to advertisements for feminine wipe and washes, these wipe and washes in actual fact increase your risk of infection and irritation for the same use as commercial pads and tampons – chemicals interfere beside vaginal PH leading to infection, chemicals can grounds irritation or allergic reactions. Feminine hygiene products close to these are not only unnecessary but also potentially insalubrious, all you want to use to keep yourself verbs is water to rinse sour dead skin or sweat from the vulva, your vagina is self-cleaning so it can nick care of the rest.

If you enjoy a continuing infection – which by the sounds of it you do have – next it should be treated for one, but you should also try to determine the cause, as expected menstrual options are a big factor, as too are soaps or wash used to clean your vagina/vulva as discussed, but also any other chemicals such as from wash powders you use on your clothing if they are too harsh or own ingredients you are sensitive to. Other possible reasons could be tight clothing, synthetic clothing or wearing panties or PJ's to bed, adjectives would restrict aeration to your vulva that could cause problems. High alcohol and sugar intake is another factor as yeast love sugars, this is why yeast infections are unbelievably common within women with diabetes – your problems may be a sign of ailment such as diabetes or a problem with the germs in your gut.

Doctors are unacquainted – it is this simple – most doctors have to know a huge variety of information on a widespread variety of things so cannot be expected to know everything; I hold actually met gynaecologists that do not even know of tampon risks – fortunately I own been contained by a position where I be given the opportunity to teach them otherwise while training them in Fertility Awareness Method. It's esteemed to educate yourself so you don't rely on what your doctor know or does not know, it is also good to catch second or even third and forth options.

Chances are you any have an allergic sensitivity to the chemicals within the products you are using or you hold given yourself an infection, so step one is to switch to safer menstrual options, step two is to seize tests done to see if you enjoy an infection, step three is to get any infections treated – or you can skip the second step, if you do enjoy an infection it is going to be either bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection, both of which you can treat at home any with medicated cream, using pro-biotic yogurt in your vagina at darkness washing out within the morning – eating pro-biotic yogurt will comfort too by insuring good gut vigour obviously though not like peas in a pod as the yogurt you used in your vagina, putting a garlic clove in your vagina every few hours, using tea tree essential grease in your vagina, etc. Try the following site for home treatment - http://www.msu.edu/user/eisthen/yeast

Links for in good health menstrual options;

http://www.natracare.com – Organic tampons and pads
http://www.jadeandpearl.com – Sponge tampons
http://www.lunapads.com – Cloth pads, etc.
http://www.gladrags.com – Cloth pads
http://urban-armor.org/urban-armor - Cloth pads
http://www.wen.org.uk/sanpro/reports/makeyourown_web.pdf - DIY cloth pads
http://www.diapersewing.com/clothpads.htm - DIY cloth pads
http://www.divacup.com – Silicone bell-shaped menstrual cups
http://www.guardian.com – Rubber bell-shaped menstrual cups
http://www.softcup.com – Plastic diaphragm-shaped menstrual cups

I have headache in my lower abdomin. what could it be?

Find another doctor.

Orasure Vs. Blood examination.? taken a day apart, orasure come out negative, will the other be also?

You should see if your doctor will prescribe Diflucan, it is a one time pill for yeast infections. If you enjoy a rash Vagisil is not going to work. Try hortizorticone cream.

Iron Deficiency?

find another doctor...
accurate luck...

the Vasili creme wipes and powder are probably aggravating your reckless more..

try not wearing tight fitting clothes and cotton underwear for a whille as well

Does 409 contain ammonia?

Go to a investigational doctor. Having your period for a month is deeply weird, I don't consider that can be attributed to "changes". If you are allergic to maxis stop using them immediately. Your doctor sounds similar to a real dumbshit.

Irregular cycles?

yes find another doctor and seize their opinion

I regard I have high-ranking frequency of urination. What could be the possible cause?

go seize a 2nd opinion

Question around Birth control?

try using home made sanitary napkins or change the brand of existing one. Goodluck

18 beside small boobs?

I like you should progress to a different doctor, cause yeah..that doesn't nouns normal to me. It's not suppose to be itchy. Unless you own some sort of vaginal issues.. I would go grasp a second opinion on something similar to this..

Need to find doctors/clinics in the uk who give HCG injectoins.?

see another doctor! you shouldnt hold to suffer for that long.not all doctors are specialized ask to refer to see a specialist. check if you hold medical cover in work? i dont own any answers sorry but i would want to know. i hope your confident enough to see a doctor and own full tests done to remove all possible cause. yuou can then find a solution or product that will work, it could be as simple as your allergic to something, hold an infection, diet, type cream/soap your using anything. try not to use soap it will make it worse use femiwash i ruminate its called a soap free product.hope it get better and you are comfortable again.good luck

When will the chain on my stomach go away?


Women Only!?

I agree. Find another doctor.

Why am I constantly draw from stomach pains and how can I get rid of them?

Sounds resembling a yeast infection. These can be caused by stress, phenomenal activity within the vaginal area, lots of things. Try an over-the-counter treatment approaching monistat. Use at least a 3 daylight treatment. The one day treatments are not as significant in these cases. Spread some cream on the outer labia to relieve itching. Stop using the Vagisil. It isn't working is it? Good luck.

will someone communicate me what i need to know almost growing up into a woman?

I don't think those cremes, wipe and sprays and douches are good for women at adjectives! They throw off your inborn "vaginal cleansing" process. Powders can too, altho I think a corn starch one would be ok. I would pilfer nightly baths in JUST river, nothing added to it, use a "pure" toilet tabloid and if it keeps up you do involve to find a new FEMALE ob-gyn who hopefully can sustain you, good luck hon!!

What are sypmtoms that you will catch your first period?

well first of adjectives it is not good to other use tampons while on your period. i used to use napkins to but in a minute i use tampons most of the time , but it is not good to use tampons adjectives the time while on your period b'cuz you own to let adjectives that bad blood and tolerate your body clense itself out normally everyonce surrounded by a while. STOP itching and if you feel close to you have to cut into more and more take sit baths and soak surrounded by the tub for a while. Also when you go to the store to buy tampons or napkins later you should buy UNSCENTED and or perfume free. Another thing is buy DOUCHE But obtain the Unscented and perfume free Douche. ok But what ever you do DO NOT Douche all of the time. Douche Only right after you've simply finished your period, And Only Douche (1)Once every 6 months. Because it is not pious to Douche All the time ok .

I need relief.females only?

OK, I am a guy and don't ask me what brought me to finish this question without running away screaming, but I focus I can help. My girlfriend is allergice to latex and have a crazy rash right very soon on her chest and stomach from her bra. What I learned around rashes would amaze you. But the leading thing I knowledgeable is that more moisture makes it worse. I construe Vagisil is water base, but water and body fluids also make it worse. Try four things. First, take baths near Aveeno brand oatmeal to stop the itch. Find it by body lotion and other anti-itch stuff in the pharmacy section of the grocery store. Next, use infant power to absorb moisture. Next, if you enjoy some kind of allergy, filch benedryl tablets. (alternatives to the above is hydrocortizone cream for itch). If all else fail, get a second opionion from another doc or dermatologist..8 months is in recent times too long.

is there anything wrong beside having to modify a super tampon after 2 hours?

Sounds kinda strange but try some diaper rash meds. (Aveeno is what I used for my baby) It is smaller quantity harsh than that other stuff.
Oh, and acquire another Dr and a second opinion

Can bleeding be cause by rough sex?

I have that reckless too when I use napkins! And to use them for that long must have be hell! Are the napkins tight when you use them? Tight ones cause rash.Was the Vagisil Creme prescribed? Maybe you should change it and use another one. Or bring a second opinion from another doctor. Use antiseptic surrounded by water to rinse out the affected nouns and an anti-pespirant power. if your period have stopped try not wearing anything too tight that would irritate the rash and permit the affected nouns breathe for a while while changing the routine you are using immediately. Good Luck!

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