How can I stop biting my nails?


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It's straightforward just devise of how pretty your nails will look if thoes grades that u leave astern while biting ur nails r not at hand anymore! Think of other things. Dont worry my friend does it adjectives the time, its a habbit if u stop doing it for a while you'll eventually forget about it! Hope that help!

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put hot sauce on them? jeez idk

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I have duplicate problem as you my aunt also did. She told me that she kept biting them until they started bleeding. I keep puting fastener polish at least to pass you bad morsel and then you wouldnt soak up chewing them!

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Maybe if you put nail polish on your nail it might stop you from bitting them.

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Have you tried putting lots of nail polish on. It make them taste worst. You'll stipulation to apply new coats pretty commonly though.

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I bit my fingernails adjectives during my teens and early womanhood but i quit, the way i quit is i have went to a fastener shop and had my nail done a few times and they are hard to bite but i didn't quality the need to bite them even after i quit going near.

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try putting hot pepper under your nail

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It depends on how much you are inclined to bite your nails. I have this issue when I was younger and would bite them really low to the point of discomfort. I just tried really concrete plus the fact that my Mom threatened to acquire some of that nasty taste stuff that can be put on the nails to kind you regret ever putting your finger in your mouth. If you find your self doing this when your stress level is dignified, try working on reducing the stress (easier said than done).

Any Idea what this could be ?

There is this special kind of fastener polish for nail bitters, it tang really bad. I can't remember the term of it, I used it for my son and he stopped within a week, it be such a gross taste. Maybe you can look it up on chain?

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well at most drugstores, you can buy something call 'no bite' it is just a clear coat but it taste like cow manooer (sp)!! Or if you own the money, you could try gel or acrilic nails, they cannot be moved free-ly making it almost imposible to break. or try gel or acrilic nail as a reward for not biting your nails! perfect luck. biting nails can inflict permanent damange to staple beds and cuticles!

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you're stressed out. and you enjoy when you can find a right nail merely to bite. its so refreshing when you can find that perfect bite. lately stop. its disgusting. calm down, do something else similar to twirling your hair. . .

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Well when i be younger i wasnt a tomb boy BUT i WASNT a girly girl. I use to bite my nail adjectives the time. A simular situation to you. What i did is paint my nails and put rather nail polish remover on the stop so when i get an erge to bite my nail i will get a distasteful tast in my mouth.

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i stopped after getting fake nail at the salon they are cute and hard to bite after have them for a while you break the habit

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