I have pain in my lower abdomin. what could it be?

I'm a 21 yr old womanly.This has be going on for 7 days today.The pain is sometimes on the right and other times on the moved out, accompanied next to lower back cramp.Pains are much like menstration pains.The pain started exactly a week after my time ended. There be very night light spotting for 3 days. There are no other symptoms besides the pain. There is no pregnancy present.Could it be my ovaries? Or conceivably painful ovulation since it be exactly a wk after my cycle? The pain seem to be worse during the evenings. Advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!


I'm pregnant why am i mortal sick?

could be a number of things, could be ovarian cysts, you appendix, gallbladder etc, walk to the doc and have them run blood test taht cal narrow down what it could be. well brought-up luck.

i would go see your regular physician contained by case it is not something gynecological.

Menses of a long duration?

Wow, it as if I'm lokking at myself 08-30-06.I'm going to narrate you like this.. Last week, I be going through all kind of pains as if I was have a little buddle of pleasure. which couldn't be it becasue I had a hysterectomy contained by 04 of this year because of problems I was going through. I have some sharp pains that was on the lower-right side and it be painful for 3 days..I go to the ER and took blood test and a CT-Scan and found out that my Appendix be enlarge..equipped to burst. I had Emergency Surgery to remove them. It sounds approaching you need to pay cheque a trip to the E.R. and see for yourself. You dont want them to burst in you and grounds harm.You know what, look up appendicitis on the pattern..and see for your self..but I think you have need of to go check yourself out. For existing. and God Bless You

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