I enjoy been bleeding for two weeks presently, I am seeing doctor on Monday but what do you think would motive this?

I am not pregnant, I do use birth control, I was told at previously, it may be endometrosis. What are symptoms of that? I feel sick to my stomacn, horrible cramping, headaches and such... I devise it is the edno, but I have have cervical cancer before. I am individual 31, Will see doc this monday but this is scary, I maintain going back to the ultimate time I had cancer. If I have a cyst and it ruptured it would cause cramping? Any counsel or opinion is great THANKS

Handling my extent while living on a boat with 15 other culture?

there are so masses things it could be, seeing your doctor is best, try not to worry nearly things it might or might not be.

Plz help mewhy do they hurt so fruitless?

Well if your going to the doctor your in good shape

Is anyone taking the "Yaz" birth control?

Do you run or have you missed any pills? That happen to a friend of mine; she missed a few pills and got this massive extent. I've heard that's honestly common.

I own a question?

My guidance is to wait until Monday. That is probably knotty for you. I suggest you do some fun things to take your mind bad it for awhile. Get out. See a movie. Go out with friends. Monday is soon plenty to find out without ruminating over it. Whatever it is or isn't is not going to transfer before after. Think positive thoughts. Pray. Relax.

For the last couple of days i hold felt dizzy contained by the mornings and at nite what could be wrong?

Do not draw any conclusions. It is understandable that you are below a lot of stress. You are doing the right point by seen your doctor. I decision that whatever you hold is manageable and curable. When it comes to your form you need to remain deeply positive. Your body and mind should work together towards healing. Endrometrosis is becoming adjectives and very treatable. Two ladies I know hold been treated for endometrosis and they are both doing terrifically well.

Isn't it bleak to masturbate?

Go to the doctor. It may be worse or better than you think.

How can I gain my hormones back to run of the mill?

You might have carried a fatty weight
without your wisdom.
Take a hoemeopathy drug, which
is harmless and have no side effects.
twice a day for a week.
You are going to be alright.


How do i like brand name my period not so heavily built?

It could be polycystic ovarian syndrome or some form of endometriosis. Glad to hear you are seeing a doctor and not just relying on our answers.

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