Does anyone use the contraceptive implant? Have you had any side effects and would you recommend it xxx?


Any girl know the answer to this? didn't get masses responses last time..?

some of my friends enjoy had it and they suffered bleeding for a couple of months. other individuals have complained of scar. i know some people who enjoy been fine though. So it basically depends on whether it suits you

It's the time of the month?

I had the 5 year one put within but had it removed after 4 years ( i will bring up to date ya why in a bit!!) and contained by those 4 years i didnt have one term BUT my sex drive did decrease somewhat, and I hold heard this from others too. I would own continued with the insert if it wasnt for the fact that they have actually solely put the 3 year one in and for the ultimate year and a half I wasnt covered by any sort of contraception!! Also when they remove it, it can be a bit tricky and frozen to remove and I have very soon got a mutilation, very small but still a mark.

Microgynon 30?

My wife has have no problem with hers

when should u receive a pap sherm? dont know if thats how u spell it.?

you are likely to find loads of messages on here. I would always suggest going to see you r GP, or relatives planning clinic, they will not speak to your parents if that is what you are afraid of, if you are over the age of consent I apologise. but every women is different and adjectives kinds of contraception work for some and not for others, it can be a hit and miss system especially beside implants. be secure, speak to a professional.

Is there any unproblematic way to remove a bikini rank?

I've just come to the finishing of my three years with one and I wasn't suited to it, for the first six months I bled continuously, I done up having micronor as resourcefully to stop the bleeding. and the last six months I bled every other week, but that's merely me everybody is different and you might be fine on it,as for scaring you can only just see it.

Playtex gentle slither or tampax pearl?

I had one put but be then diagnosed near endometriosis so had it removed to run other drugs. Whilst on it I had no bleeding what so ever. I did catch occasional period headache type feelings but very soon beleive that was due to endometriosis. I didn't put on any weightiness or lose hair or anything really. Having it put in be a bit traumatic as a student did it so had to hold each step explained! But you obtain a local anaesthetic (sp?) so you don't feel a piece. It's really quick. I've get a small scar vanished but it really is tiny. Hope this helps.

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