
i'm female 17 from the UK,
i have a really unpromising sweat problem. sweat like all daytime an hav wet patches below my arms which is not nice i can tell you and it is starting to get me down =/ please give a hand what can i do??

I have unprotected sex the year after my interval March 13th. About 14 hours then I took Plan B.?

Here is some info (its from an answer I gave to a similar question a while back)

within is a product called Certain-dry and Dry Sol which I think you apply merely at night maybe for individual a few days or maybe a week and its supposed to last for a short while beforehand you apply again... not sure exactly if I am right on how it works.

there is also a product called Sweat Block that you apply once a week.

you might be capable of use these on other areas of the body like if you have excessive sweating on the hand but I am not sure.

if your sweating is not controllable by these then there is something call "Drionic" which they have underarm versions or hand/feet version. You have to do I think 2 partly hour sessions and depending on if you do it on low or high you have to do it for 7-8 hours total or double that on low. This is supposed to stop sweating for up to 6 weeks at a time. It stings when you use it but once you are used to it I guess its not that bleak by what my uncle told me (he uses it with great success). Your underams will be red when first using it until you get used to it. But once you catch through the treatments it will go back majority after some days. My uncle said this is the best thing he has ever tried as it stops his excessive sweating (he even sweat a great deal during winter when it was snowing)


also, if you don't want to go this route and your excessive sweating is on your underarms, nearby are underarm guards you can place on your clothing that absorb the sweat and prevent those armpit wet circles some population get.

there is

it say its not see-thru but if you are wearing a t-shirt you can see "something" there... they may not know its the underarm pads... but you can other wear a very thin undershirt near the sweat pad attached then your regular t-shirt or any other top over that.

and these:

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See a dermatologist. (prescription stuff) And wear black shirts or bring around a sweat shirt so if you draw from noticeable pitt stains you can just throw on a sweat shirt to cover them up. On the bright side, sweating medium you're healthy. Sometimes the more athletic people tend to sweat from purely like, sitting around.

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Well people sweat for a intact lot of reasons, could be hormonal; could from being overweight and you're carrying around adjectives this extra weight that needs to come stale! But you could try using this new deodorant by Degree; it's extra sweat protection; suppose to stop the wet stains you achieve on your shirts!


I have the same problem i first used Driclor which is a appropriate product but it irritated me alot so i stopped using it. Now im using Triple Dry it really is helpful and it does reduce sweat.

Whats wrong next to me? (TMI)?

i hold a friend who has a sweating problem also and she just started using confidential clinical strentgh and it has worked out for her maybe you should try it and see if it works

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If it's affecting your life span, which it sounds like it is, go to the doctor. He can refer you to achieve a small procedure done to stop the sweating altogether.

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theres a really good deodrant for that - its called mitchems. i live within ireland and i know you can get it here in chemists.

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mitchum deodorant works for me. although sometimes it cause a bit of itching if you use to much. it has a high zinc content. apposite luck

In affliction..?

driclor...it really does work when used correctly

available from the chemists or on scrip

I of late have my time and my friends maintain bugging me something like it what do i do?


Can adjectives you guys AND girls present me some tips. please dont feel this is innapropriate.?

What is hyperhidrosis?
Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is a common disorder which produces a lot of distress. An estimated 2-3% of Americans suffer from excessive sweating of the underarms (axillary hyperhidrosis) or of the palms and soles of the feet (palmoplantar hyperhidrosis). Underarm problems tend to start in postponed adolescence, while palm and sole sweating often begin earlier, around the age 13 (on the average). Untreated, these problems may continue throughout life span.
Sweating is embarrassing, it stains clothes, ruins romance, and complicates business and social interactions. Severe cases can have serious practical consequences as capably, making it hard for people who suffer from it to hold a pen, grip a saloon steering wheel, or shake hands.
What is the exact of hyperhidrosis?
Although neurologic, metabolic, and other systemic diseases can sometimes cause excessive sweating, most cases occur contained by people who are otherwise healthy. Heat and emotion may trigger hyperhidrosis in some, but many who suffer from hyperhidrosis sweat nearly adjectives the time, regardless of their mood or the weather.

Other causes:
Certain medicines, including thyroid hormone, morphine, drugs to drop off fevers, and medicines to treat mental disorders
Emotional or stressful situations (anxiety)
Low blood sugar
Overactive thyroid gland
Spicy foods (known as "gustatory sweating")
Warm temperature
Withdrawal from alcohol or narcotic pain killers

What is the treatment for hyperhidrosis?
Through a systematic evaluation of cause and triggers of excessive sweating, followed by a judicious, stepwise approach to treatment, many people beside this annoying disorder can achieve good results and better quality of life.
The approach to treating hyperhidrosis commonly proceeds as follows:
Over-the-counter antiperspirants -- usually tried first because they are readily available. Antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride (for example, Certain-Dri) may be more effective when other antiperspirants hold failed
Prescription strength antiperspirants -- those containing aluminum chloride hexahydrate
Iontophoresis -- a device which passes direct electricity through the skin using touch water
Oral medications -- ones call anticholinergics which reduce sweating
Botox (botulinum toxin) -- recently approved within the U.S. by the FDA for treating excessive axillary (underarm) sweating
Surgery -- cervical sympathectomy, as a last resort

Aluminum chloride hexahydrate
When regular antiperspirants fail, as they habitually do, to remedy hyperhidrosis most doctors start by recommending aluminum chloride hexahydrate (Drysol), a prescription-strength version of aluminum chloride. It is applied only just before bedtime seven to 10 nights surrounded by a row, then roughly once a week thereafter to maintain restoration. This treatment works reasonably well for several patients whose problem is excessive underarm sweating, but is not satisfactory for most of those with palm and sole sweating.
The crucial side effect with Drysol is irritation, which can sometimes, but not always, be overcome by reducing the frequency of use or applying antiinflammatory medication such as lotions containing hydrocortisone.
Iontophoresis was introduced over 50 years ago as a treatment for excessive sweating. Its exact mechanism of undertaking is still unclear. The procedure uses water to conduct an electric current to the skin which combats production of sweat. Current is applied typically for 10-20 minutes per session, initially near two to three sessions per week followed by a maintenance program of treatments at one- to three-week intervals, depending upon the patient's response. Iontophoresis treatments sound potentially scratchy but, in fact, they are not.
Patients purchase devices for this treatment through a doctor's prescription. Medical insurers sometimes cover the cost.
Oral Medications
Oral anticholinergic medication such as glycopyrrolate (Robinul) are not commonly used for this condition, because in order to work they habitually produce side-effects like dry mouth and blurred vision.
Botulinum toxin (Botox), a muscle poison much within the news as a cosmetic treatment for wrinkles, has in reality been used in tons areas of medicine for some time, such as in the treatment of muscle spasms, and convinced types of headaches. Its latest medical niche is the treatment of excessive underarm sweating.
Fifty (50) unit of Botox are injected into roughly 20 spots in each armpit. This may produce approximately six months of nouns from sweating. The injections are uncomfortable, but use of a very small injection syringe makes them tolerable.
Now that this treatment has received FDA approval, abundant health insurers are providing coverage for the injections and the Botox itself, which is quite costly.
Currently, the FDA have not approved Botox for treating sweating of the palms and soles of the feet, though some physicians are administering it as an off-label use, reportedly with nouns. Palm injections cause more pain, requiring brass neck blocks to numb the hands in direct to make the injections comfortable.
Thoracic sympathectomy is surgical interruption of the sympathetic nerves responsible for sweating. Sympathectomy is an operation intended to destroy fragment of the nerve supply to the sweat glands in the skin. The surgeon inserts a special endoscopic instrument into the chest between two ribs in recent times below the armpit. The lung is briefly deflated to better visualize and destroy the nerves. Sympathectomy is both effective and risky. Even next to newer endoscopic techniques, the complications can include excessive sweating in other parts of the body and lung and backbone problems. As many of these complications are serious and not reversible, this option is on the odd occasion used, and then only as a ending resort.

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