i feel tierd all the time,been to doctors had many tests all clear,what could it be?


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you call for to assert yourself and think positive....are you a binge drinker?:-)

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Not enough sleep, try it.

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Life, I'm afraid.

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Maybe you own depression. Maybe you don't get satisfactory sleep.

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your diet? famine of vitamins and minerals? Lack of exercise?

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i can think of 2 things...lazyness or narcolepsy

What are the likelihood??

Take up running! and stop being so apathetic!

People are all like but so different! all this world requirements is more love!

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Could be depression, do you feel depressed? If not consequently it might just be fatigue. Think give or take a few a holiday or something to perk yourself up.

What other things that could possibly caused a woman to enjoy clear watery vaginal discharge and crampings?

It could particularly well be your diet. i don't know what you drink all hours of daylight or what you do for a living, but carbs will make you discern tired especially if your over eating carbs.

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I'm guessing you meant "tired"? Stress? Maybe you're working too concrete and not taking enough "me" time.could be frequent different things, but at least your medical test are okay..

Try to take a short time time out everyday for you..for instance, at the end of an especially long complex day I sit on my pay for porch and drink a glass of wine.


Try tally more fiber to your diet. It has be proven to make you more alert and awake during the sunshine.

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lack of sleep not leading a hearty lifestyle

Missed period?

it could be depression or it could becaused by stress. try excercising and taking a multi vitamin. donate it a try and in around 10 days you will notice a difference

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i would advice you to find a girlfriend, for me it other works, without fair level of adrenaline we touch bored and sleepy, falling in love boosts it in us.

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Depression or maybe chonic fatigue syndrome. CFS.

In my travel case I'm just good-for-nothing but my doctor still perscribed Adderal to get me rotten the couch.

I had sex for the first time only just and bled after it. Is this normal?

Low level of nutrients? Overweight? Depression? For a boost, try my favorite vitamins (teh best, pharmaceutical grade) USANA. Theit Essentials product is rated #1 by independent research. Check my website www.gesundheit.usana.com

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I feel just one and the same not so long ago. I had blood test which came final clear. Are you getting enough sleep? Or too much sleep which can also engineer you tired. Check your diet, and you're not eating too abundant dead carbohydrates. and start to steal vitamin B which helps your body near its energy level. x

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chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. Are you sleeping economically at night? Do you take any exercise on a regular basis?

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Depression, Narcolepsy or I don`t know just exaustion. Could be a changeover in your diet as capably. There are many things that end in tiredness. I suggest you chq your daily routine and diet first to see if it could be anything here.

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There are various reasons why you might be fancy tired all of the time. If the doctors hold done tests, and ruled out a medical/physical bring, perhaps you are depressed? Symptoms of depression include:

* Persistent disheartening, anxious, or "empty" mood
* Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
* Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
* Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that be once enjoyed, including sex
* Decreased vitality, fatigue, being "slowed down"
* Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
* Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
* Appetite and/or bulk loss or overeating and weight gain
* Thoughts of passing or suicide; suicide attempts
* Restlessness, irritability
* Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain

If you reflect on you might be depressed, I would recommend consulting with a psychotherapist. Hope you have lots of support. Good luck!

I save getting cramps 'down there', what is it?

If you will start an exercise program of walking first and over time, come up near some of your own ideas, you will not be tired adjectives the time. Exercise really helps!

Period too impulsive?

It could be any internal issue/conflict you're experiencing consciously OR unconsciously. Having problems recedntly?

Ahh i have my extent and the cramps hurt so bad. any guidance on toning down the pain?

Try taking a 15 minute snooze at lunch. It could also be your diet, if you drink coffee, coke, sugary stuff or eat candy, you could go and get the boost but when it wears past its sell-by date you're more tired than before.

Hope this help.

Girl pl help?

could be so lots things. you really havent given us much info to work with.

My boyfriend have a problem getting it up sometimes. Please read the details i have written. thank you!?

All are apposite answers, but one that has be missed is low blood sugar. That was my problem. Check out www.hufa.org for more info on hypoglycemia - low blood sugar.

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it could be a low blood sugar, so check your sugar level at your GP. it could also be a low haemoglobin, which leads to anaemia.
this presents surrounded by signs of fatigue and paleness.
you own to have iron tablet or can basically have lots of green and red vegetables.beetroot is fitting.
maybe it its in recent times best to have a full work out blood oral exam done by your GP as this could be various abnormality in your electrolytes.

help yourself to care

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Actually in attendance is a proper diagnosis for this and it is called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Most doctors throw out to diagnosis it and rather reccommend you to more exercise and/or try more hours of sleep during the darkness rather than a doze during the day

Removing pelt?

Tests? blood count.white and red. Liver panel, blood sugar test. over consignment? Depressed? male avitar?

Taking the pill, and be bleeding for two weeks now - hormone dose too low? Pills too out-of-date?

Carbon-monoxide poisoning from a blocked up fume vent at the rear of your gas boiler.

I like to enjoy sex 4 times a day,and sometimes more than that ,why?

Have you have your gas boiler serviced. should be done at least once a year.

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