Ive been bulimic for 7 yrs now, are my ovaries being damaged?


Period problems?

Absolutely, lack of nutrition will wreckage EVERY part of the human body.

Serious answers merely?

If they aren't, your teeth, throat and esophagus is!!

Where is the best to do breast implants within Asia, Singapore_?

I'm not sure, but a whole lot of other things are, such as your teeth, stomach, esophagus, etc.

Please achieve help. For your own flawless.

Mucinex and weird signs?

you own much much more to worry almost.

Any idea what these symptoms anticipate?

dumb mexican

Dr. says refusal to yeast/bacteria infection, but still have symptoms?

I'm sure they are, everything is. It's basically an assumption that your worried about your ovaries for reproducing reason and if that's the case, your verbs over your weight during pregnancy would be a big problem for you i would envision. Talk to somebody for real, it's resembling committing suicide very slowly. God bless.

How long do girls period last?

If you've be bulimic for 7 years you should probably not be thinking about reproduction unless it is surrounded by the sphere of "How do I prevent reproduction?" Pregnant women with drinking disorders suffer kidney, liver, heart, and pancreatic failure, not to mention the implication to the innocent child involved.

Morning After Pill?

Way more than your ovaries are probably being diluted right now. You shouldn't do that. It's horrendous for you. It can burn wholes in you throat. Look, you shouldn't verbs so much about what you look approaching. I know sometimes it doesn't seem similar to it, but guys eventually start to figure out that (I know this is corny) everything on the inside is mode better than abything you could get on the outside.. : )
[email protected]

Bleeding After Sex?

Say goodbye to pregnancy and your teeth and anything else. Why would anyone injure themselves that way contained by order to look obedient? Makes no sense. Are you trying to kill yourself? You call for help, hope medical attention before is to unpunctually.

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