Sudden spike in blood pressure - what could be the cause?

I am almost 35 years aged (will be on March 3rd). I am on Yaz (to control my rages), levothyroxine (to even out my thyroid), and Dilantin (to control my seizures). I know when I be on Yasmin, my blood pressure spiked from an average of 116/70 to 128/80. The doctor put me on Yaz because the hormones be lower. However, when I measured my blood pressure later darkness, it be 139/96. I've also have some headache, too (and I NEVER achieve headaches). Could the hormones contained by the Yaz be contributing to this? If this is the suitcase, I'm ready to turn rotten of it instantly and attempt to matter beside the rage contained by a constructive carriage (i.e., counseling, weighty exercise, etc).


UGH whats wrong beside metampon..?

I don't know what the result in is, but explicitly extremely soaring! Call your doctor very soon and carry within today! That is zilch to play around beside! That is why they name it the silent murderer. People don't verbs in the order of it soon ample and enjoy a heart attack or stoke! Please bid in a minute.

Okay. this is kinda thorny to explain.i own these unusual red patch underneath my breast. they are within?

maybe its not your b/c but your thyroid. Have you have your level checked lately? High b/p is nil to mess around beside, I'd telephone call the MD and consent to him know, you may involve to start some b/p meds. Good luck.

WOMAN ONLY.. really men.. you dont want to answer..?

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