Any idea what these symptoms mean?

I have an appointment planned, but I wanted some opinion..
I'm tired (Eyes are burning I'm so tired)
Have to pee a lot (But merely at night) **Silly, I know**
But overall just really BLEEPIN tired!

I know you're all going to say aloud "Pregnant".. I've taken 2 tests, one positive and one refusal.. So it's a toss up.. Any other ideas?

For women's eyes simply please 4real please no dudes dudes.?

You are pregnant. are iron deficient are diabetic.

But mostly you are pregnant.

I am 13 years old and i masturbate. i want tips to get better and quicker better thought orgasms..any tips ?!?

I think you are pregnant and you want to find out for sure if one test be negative and the other be positive.

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The point I can give you to give attention to about is checking yourself for diabetes!

Irregular period and pads?

Sounds close to pregnant to me. Good thing you hold an appointment, because it could be something else ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy explicitly in your tubes, not your uterus) and that desires to be dealt next to. So take precision until you find out for sure with the doctors!
As for the hypothesis of diabetes, they will check that too. Are you always THIRSTY?

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Anaemic perchance.

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ur diabetic.

if I had a miscarriage at 12 wks and straight away got on birth control, is it possible that I can be sterile?

be especially careful next to the test piece. my sister had a neg + poz check and she had an eptopic pregnancy. she still feel pregnant though but her doctor said she couldn't be. she was though which way she would of had twins. her gyne told her that eptopic pregnancies repeatedly do give misleading or wrong results. attain medical help if experience any stomace ache. also ask your doctor to check you for diabetes and your iron levels.

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