Why does women hold period for?


How can I treat a yeast infection? I dont own any prescription similar to monistat or anything and cant find any...assist?

The period is actually the shedding of the pool liner of the uterus. If a woman becomes pregnant, the embryo implants itself within this lining. If she does not become pregnant during a month, the lining sheds itself. That's the length.

What would produce this..?

I am shocked 2 see how many people don't certainly know why and how we have periods! Every month the body prepares for pregnancy by building up the pool liner of the uterus. Sometime between day 12 and 14 of your cycle an egg is released from the ovary. It travels down the Fallopian tube to the uterus waiting to be fertilized. If the egg isn't fertilized you shed the lining surrounded by the uterus and start all over again. THAT is a period!

So do you pee when you bring a shower or do you dawdle to finish?

When a babe girl is born, she has all the eggs her body will ever use, and oodles more, perhaps as many as 450,000. They are stored surrounded by her ovaries, each inside its own sac called a follicle. As she mature into puberty, her body begins producing various hormones that produce the eggs to mature. This is the beginning of her first cycle; it's a cycle that will repeat throughout her enthusiasm until the end of menopause.
The maturing follicles then release a hormone, estrogen. As the follicles ripen over a time of about seven days, they secrete more and more estrogen into the bloodstream. Estrogen cause the lining of the uterus to thicken.
If fertilization and implantation do not occur, the spiral arteries of the facing close off, stopping blood flow to the surface of the lining. The blood pools into "venous lakes" which, once full, burst and, beside the endometrial lining, form the menstrual flow.

Yet another stupid teen pregnant cross-question?

Basically, humans, unlike most mammals, can be impregnated and dispense birth at any time during the year, not just in one or two season. Menstruation is a side-affect of this. Each month the body prepares a lining for the uterus in armour of fertilization and implantation (pregnancy), so that the body is often ready to become pregnant. But it doesn't end forever, so it's shed periodically in order to allow for the growth of a tentative lining.

And "Iris" needs to rob a sex-ed class herself; the microscopic egg couldn't possibly cause bleeding, much less a unharmed period's worth. We're not chickens; our eggs are so small they're invisible to the naked eye.

Help! Two question?

ot's all because of Adam and Eve. Eve be stupid enough to listen to the serpent and ate the bad apple that God told her NOT to chomp through and as a result, us women today face these problems, such as pregnancy, periods, cramps, and other things of that sort. that's why men enjoy less complications and have go way more easier than us women. because Adam did not eat of the bleak fruit. so just blame stupid eve

Is it lately me?

it is the excess of the nutrients which have built up over a month to makke approach for a baby.
but when no baby is adjectives is gets rid of the nutrients in the form of a blood stream... thus girls enjoy periods when not pregenant and dont have period when they are pregenant.

Can you lose your belly corpulent after getting your uterus remove from a hysterectomy?

To flush out the egg of them. Just refer the menstrual cycle. Every month a new egg from the ovaries is released and stays there for a month. After the month is over, that egg is flushed out during the interval which is replaced by a new egg.

Are my measurements average?? What roughly speaking body rotund percentage?

Menstruation is a woman's monthly bleeding, also called a spell. When you menstruate, your body is shedding the lining of the uterus. Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, which prepares your body for pregnancy respectively month.

Lost anal bead...?

To get rid of the unfertilized egg. The bleeding is caused by it getting rid of the extra facing of the uterus that was built up over the course of a month in overnight case the woman was to become pregnant.

Can a women go and get pregnant from have anal sex?

once a month your ovaries shed their linings, and so the tissue and blood that come out are the bin liner that is being shed, accordingly you have your period.

Why is my discharge adjectives clumpy and really white?

UHH duh!! So you can enjoy babies! the egg comes out when you have your period!! god did you ever enjoy sex ed cause im in 7th category and i knew that in 2nd!


They hold them so that they can have a baby, but if the egg isn't fertilized, the blood comes out.

Wierd cross-question please lend a hand!!?

right after the sentence. Period
Man dont enjoy any.
take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee.

Birth Control?

It's easier to read aloud, Not tonight honey because i'm on my "p"!

It's to give you a break from your husband!


What is going on next to my cycle?? (TMI)?

so you can have a child

If I made a book just about breast intensification, would you read it?

because when the egg passes through it makes you bleed rather. thats why. god take a sex ed class. ask your mom

Is this a myth or certainty almost birth control?

The Lawd cursed you for giving Adam the apple.

When do I start my Birth control? Please facilitate me =/?

Maybe you should work on your grammar first. ;)

Period oblige?

o gosh... it's low to know that you don't know this SIMPLE ANSWER

What is Anal Sex?

Its to clean out our girl parts inside...

Q 4 The Girls??

Nice grammar.

Am i pregnent ?can i carry ridd of it?

It's an excuse to be bitchy :)

Bleeding after sex HELP!?


Questions in the region of condoms...?

so they can own babies

Asking for suggestion, i'm not too sure i+f i'm have a miscarriage?? I be two weeks slowly starting my length

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I'm on the birth control pill, and I've be bleeding for 9 days presently, is that usual?
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