Bleeding after sex HELP!?

I haven't had sex for at least 8 months.. I never bled after sex. But this time I did, and I don't know why. It be hurting during sex, maybe he was too rough? anyways I am actual sore down there and when I pass urine it burns please back :S

(very personal vagina question) Has anyone else experienced this and or no what it could be?

Bleeding during or after sex is not considered normal and therefore should be evaluated at adjectives times. The only time bleeding during or after sex is considered normal contained by some cases is if you are having sexual intercourse for the first time.

Some causes of vaginal bleeding after sex, such as vaginal dryness after menopause or surrounded by some cases by the use of certain types of birth control pills are not serious and may be easily treated.

However, surrounded by some cases, vaginal bleeding after sex can be a sign of a serious underlying problem, including:

* Inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis).
* Sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.
* Cervical polyps.
* Cervical ectropion, a condition in which the cervical tissue is more susceptible to abrasion.
* Endometriosis or ovarian cysts.
* Pelvic inflammatory disease.
* Uterine fibroids.
* Cancer of the cervix, uterus or vagina.

If you continue to experience bleeding during or after sex, I would recommend that you consult beside your doctor/gynaecologist to see what they think could be causing this.

Good luck :)

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You most predictable have an infection of that area or even a urinary track infection and the sex aggrivated it. The two are contained by the general same place. Rough sex can also damage the cervix or vaginal nouns too so you need a doctor visit to check everything out, including the possibility of bladder or kidney infection.

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I enjoy had this before if you are not drizzly enough his skin or a condom causes friction and you win little abrasions I guess you could call it,I know the thought ,put some cream on it and lean forward when urinating ,because the urine will keep irritating and it it won't heal incredibly fast. You shouldn't have anymore blood than what you would if you cut yourself shaving,but I can't narrate you because you weren't very specific on bleeding from where or how much! Hope this help.

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Bleeding after sex is not natural! There are a few reasons why you bled, he be rough and bruced your cervics ( yes u shouldn't bleed, just a very hurricane lantern spottings and you'd be just a little sore, second, sex might've arroused your mentrual time of year but that shouldn't even hurt, third, since u said it burns when u urinate Its more likely you contract STDs or you are allergic to his sperm, lybrucations or even the condom. Go to the Doctor and get checked out ASAP!!

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you might enjoy a std you can get checked anywere from your doctors,Local health foundation of GUM clinics in hospitals. Don't worry though This may merely be irriitation from sex or you my have a allergic reaction to his sperm it is possible . Though subsequent time use contraception as you may fall pregnant, Catch an std that can cause infertility or Hiv .

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STD? could be due to the reality you havent had sex in so long. or you could enjoy a yeast infection. go to the doctor and get checked up x

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