When i pee it comes out hightlighter pale!?

whats going on there?


HELPP..Please I entail serve from women...why is this taking place?

if you've been taking confident vitamins this can happen. it can also be caused by foods or dehydration.
Drink more river!

Weak pelvic muscles?

It depends on how much water you are drinking and if you are taking a B complex vitamin suppliment.

Vitamin B complex will turn your pee a pretty flourescent yellow.

I have my spell not long ago and 1 week subsequently after i finshed i have brown bllood anything wrong?

You're any dehydrated or the vitamins you're taking have more of a particular vitamin/mineral than what you actually need and you're pee'ing out the excess...

How soon after stopping birth control will i lose adjectives of the river wieght i gain?

are u taking vitamins? When I clutch my vitamins, my pee turns bright yellow also.

Can a lab tech narrate if...?

Mine gets resembling this because I take multi vitamins.

I own the iud bith control method, i not long go to the dr. they told me the string is lost, have this hapin

nothing it is fine
drink more hose
if you have no pain ,or hallucination you should be fine

Does girls sins come out through their time of year every month?

you don't have enough marine in your system. Drink some water.

What color is the Blood contained by your interval?

umm very well i really dont know i mean hav u gotten ur period on the other hand it could b something leading up to that!

Please serve next to anorexia?

I think you call for to see a doctor.

One of my breasts is a C and the other is a B.?

that happens when you have aids

What do you muse? Pregnant? Please Help!?

you call for to drink water..

Upset stomach?

ether your taking some kinda med or drug to do this or you need to drink WAY WAY WAY more hose

Why is one breast on a woman usually smaller than the other?

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How soon after getting the Mirena taken out can you start your interval?
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