Does girls sins come out through their term every month?

i heard that girls period come through their spell every month?is it true?

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A lie perpetrated against woman by a patriarchal society to hold you subservient and feeling guilty. Please! We're talking around a reproductive system!

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Period come through their period? That's why they have a preview and repress and modify. Anyway; there would be a better chance of sins coming out within a number2 into the toilet. Also, if that were true; where would a boys sins come out?
This munificent of stuff is all about peoples thinking that sex is the most substantial thing to God, like: if you don't hold sex you're good and If you have sex you're bleak, no matter what else you do: and anything having to do near sex is bad-even a girl having her period. nation are the ones obsessed with sex, not God.

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No, i.e. not true at all. You will get your time of year every month because your body goes through a monthly change. Your time of year will become regular - usually every 28 days. Once you start, you should see your doctor so he can explain everything thats going on with your body to you.

It does not mean that you enjoy sinned - it simply means you are a woman.

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In Leviticus it states that having your extent every month makes you "unclean", and you must sacrafice a dove and a lamb to make you verbs again.however, most people don't believe this anymore.such as Christians..the sad point is that out of all the things Christians believe from Leviticus is that being Gay is wrong.we forget that it say to sacrifice a dove every month and to stone your child to death if they talk backbone to you..oh yes and the whole thing give or take a few wearing two threads? thats punishable by death also...hope this helps!! a short time ago read Leviticus!! You'll find you're answers!

Umm i be wondering if i could please hold some facilitate?

Sins and menstruation are not tied at all. Menstruation is a natural biological process related to child birth, sin is a religious article, or perhaps more generally today it simply means 'doing bad things'

No, it's not true. Apples and toasters ma'am.

Period relief? this is awkward... please assist?

Lol, no. . . This is only an old wives tale that your sins come out next to your period and you're cleansed afterwards. . . Don't take it seriously

Period from hell ! relief!?

All of my period generally follow after each sentence. Others on here give the impression of being to like to just agree to sentences run on. Is it a sin to not add a period? I suppose not, but I consider it a grammatical sin.

I may enjoy a uti is here anything i can do to lessen the headache until i see a doctor?

No thats obsurd...
Where did you hear that from? It's totally bogus!
Good Luck

Chlamydia serve.. i dont realize!!?

OMG! Who told you this crap? Get thee away from a fundamentalist church!

What does "In a really twisted method, you're kidna sweet," stingy?

Well girls own their period every month but it's not because they sin. It's a natural slice of being a women.

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What on earth are they culture kids nowadays..!!

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hahaha! i really wish it be, but it's not.

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what?? I think you have to re word your cross-question. It makes no sense at all.

Cramps around belly?

nope. an egg does though

How can I stay away from sweets?


This make no sense.

Is my time of year majority?

If you're asking what I think you are asking then no. That's freshly silly.

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some religions do believe this. but you cant rely on you periods to take bad your sin of you, lol. good deeds are the only mode to keep you away from sin.

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What? Sins as in "thou shall not lie"? lololololololololol
Convert to Atheism ;)

Most night i am woken up by shooting, cramp close to dull pain .?

There is no such entity as sins, you broad.

My daughter's term?

no, where in the world did you hear that from? every women get it whether she sinned or not. Its life...

Ladies: You're on your time of year, but you're "aroused", what do you do?

there is no such entity as god so there are no such thing as sins. There are solely laws which vary from country to country

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I stole a penny sweet once and get my period all over the shop floor, so i guess its true...

lmao silly ar*se!

So i asked this previously looking for more info give or take a few an ovary cyst.. HELP...?

wow...they cause people stupid at school in a minute...girls get periods not because of sins...near are no such things as sins or hell.they get it because the ovulate and when they ovulate or whatever near is no sperm to fertalize the egg.

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