First interval, large bleeding - 6 weeks postpartum?
This is a serious interrogate, are here any girls out nearby that wear diapers?
Hi! On March 1st, I be taken to the hospital because of heavy cramps/bleeding. I had have a miscarriage two months before(when I was 3 months pregnant)...well, at the March 1st look in, I was told that there be a non-viable baby and that I was have a miscarriage!(I had NO idea that I be pregnant this time!) That was a Friday Night/Saturday Morning. Saturday night I started have cramps again really bad as I had not taken the painkillers prescribed to me contained by about 10 hours. Trust me, these were LABOR PAINS allllllll the road! For two days it was contractions(painful and heavy) and lots of breathing through them. On that sunday morning right after waking up, I be giving my dog some water and something just slid out of me! It be the placenta! I was pregnant, had no thought, and there was a placenta the size of a softball(fascinating to right to be heard the least-but I was also heavily medicated!) I tell you this because contained by essence, I too gave birth. About 18 days later I started my period(this be the first one since september as I had been pregnant, etc). It be extremely heavy! I was going through the overnight sized pad within 3-4 hours! My periods back were always regular, five days that would start off heavier and go to table lamp then stop. This period last approx. 7 days and was just robust from almost start to finish. Also, my best friend who gave birth(vaginally) in september said that her period were much heavier afterwards and that she bled for quite a while. Sorry so long, but well brought-up luck and congratulations on your little one!Bleeding/Period nearly 5 years after menopause. Abnormal?
hummmmmm idk wtf u talkin aboutFor women..shaving and wax down nearby..?
Breast implants-- honest belief?
Ever since I become a lacto-vegetarian.this problem?
This is odd, and gross...women singular please?