What do you construe? Pregnant? Please Help!?
Answers: You may want to see your doctor about the pelvic pain to be evaluated for pelvic inflammatory disease vs. urinary tract infection vs. ectopic pregnancy vs. ovarian cysts. Simple tests can rule out the produce of your pain. If you have a confusion along with these symptoms, see your provider immediately or dance to the closest emergency room.
It would be wise to take a oral exam. Also you can check your symptoms here... http://www.americanpregnancy.org/getting...
Tubaligation tomorrow question give or take a few anesthesia?
If you haven't skipped any pills, you aren't pregnant.My symptoms used to look a lot like that when I be on the pill.
What make some women really fertile?
I think you should take a exam to be sure!When will it come??
Pain/ Burning during sex?
Do you consistency resembling you halft to pee alot when you r on or b4 your time?