Why is one breast on a woman in general smaller than the other?


Painful speculum exam?

one has a tumer, the other doesnt

How come when i shave "down stairs" i seize red bumps the subsequent afternoon?

The same reason one eye is a short time higher than the other and a nose is for a time more on one side of the face than the other . Boobs are not completely the same. Our foot are not exactly the same size , our legs can have one for a while longer than the there . You can have curls grow more on one side of your head thicker than the other side . etc.
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Have you used the "Instead" cup thingy instead of tampons? Did it work?

because nothing is impeccably symmetrical in nature, but also because the chest muscles on the side of her dominant foot are larger, which makes that breast appear bigger.

Why do I grain resembling sh** when I own my term?

Don't worry this is common, we are not symmetrical. Sometimes one leg or one arm is longer than the other.
In men one testicle is usually larger than the other.

Why am i sooo bloated after losing 3 lbs?

Because your heart is on the left and there's nothing on the right and so the not here would pump out more (usually, or the other way, right boobs bigger than the other).

GIRLS- which birth control (besides abstinence) do u regard as is best and why?

I don't know why this is, but it is quite adjectives. I found this out from my surgeon that is going to do my breast reduction surgery subsequent month. I guess it is just the way that God made us.

I want to come rotten the pill. Will the doctor permit me?

People are not without a flaw symmetrical. Usually one foot is bigger than the other, your kidneys are not the same size, etc.

Is this word appropriate?

The right one is normally a short time larger to balance the fact that the heart lies rather to the left. Or not.

Where is my length?

bcuz one side of the body is usually smaller than the other. thats y when u go 2 try a shoe on they usully pass u the right one, now u no!!

Lately my boobs hold be sored..in good health in actual fact single right one?

Yes, it's very adjectives. They're usually never perfectly symmetrical.

Painful sex?


Problem. Kinda gross-warning!?

coz, guys own a ball smaller than the other.

Hair on wager on of bum usual?

Help! masturbate??
Is it true when u bring back breast implant they can pop out within 10 yrs or so?
Are tampons polite to use when you first find your term or pad?
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