What happen if you...?

shave 'down there'
i'm just curious. my frined said that it hurts when the hair grows subsidise, or they grow back thicker.
so, what happens when it grows put money on?

Liquid resembling discharge?

Good Evening,

To answer your question; no it does not hurt when the hair grows pay for.

When you shave "down there" you need to maintain it lately as you would with shaving your armpits and legs. You will feel itchiness if you allow regrowth; thus I would not recommend going more than a daytime or two in between shaving.

The hair is not thicker when it grows hindmost in. It's growing from the same follicles that be there originally before it be shaved.

I would also recommend that you use a lotion that would be soothing after shaving, and/or talcum powder or something similar.

There are many reasons why relations shave, or use other methods of removing hair from the pubic area. A most important reason would be to feel cleaner, especially within the hot seasons and during menstrual cycles. Others do it as an added way for pleasure while have sexual relations.

There is nothing wrong with removing the pelt and the most you will experience is itching if you allow total regrowth. Other than that, there is no pain unless you gash yourself while shaving. By placing a mirror under you so that you can see better will help to exterminate that issue until you become familiar with using a blade in those areas and how your body contours.

I hope I've helped you some.

Have a wonderful evening.

It really really burns.?

It will most expected grow back a little faster. Also, if this is your few first time shaving that nouns, you will get a bunch of red, itchy, sore bumps where the hair should be. Definitely not fun. But, if you are really determined on shaving down there, use a lot of moisturizer and own a long soak in the tub before shaving. Also, buy a spanking new razor blade so you don't cut yourself, and some good shaving cream. Finally, shave within the direction the hair grows (downward) the first few times. To avoid all of the itching and burning over time, you must continuously shave the nouns, and that is a lot of work! But, if you hold sensitive skin, the red bumps may never stop coming back.

Once your hair in actual fact starts coming back, all of the unpleasant symptoms will be gone. I've hear of some who have had ingrown hair as the hair grows back, but that doesn't come about too often.
Best of luck to you:)

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Just to make it PERFECTLY CLEAR, shaving does NOT bring in hairs thicker or darker. The blade make your hair cut off at a abiding edge so it appears darker because the lip is blunt. The whole thicker and darker item is a complete myth. It does grow back quickly though. I also hear it hurts a bit when it grows back or it itches. You have to be particularly careful because you don't want to hurt yourself or get cut-throat burn. When you shave that type of hair "down that" shave the way the fleece is going. Use a good razor and a apposite shaving lotion. Good luck!

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If you shave down there expect a lot of "up keep" only just like with your legs or arm pits. Depending on what benevolent of skin you have, whether you are prone to razor burn or not, depends on how itchy or irritated things may become once you start to shave. As powerfully, cutting yourself in that region hurts similar to heck. Proceed with caution!

How do I..?

Although you give the impression of being to have alot of people answering your quiz i thought i would chime in with my words of sense as well. :) I don't think anyone mentioned that you requirement to trim your pubic hair BEFORE EVEN ATTEMPTING TO SHAVE "DOWN THERE"! That is where the cut-throat burn will come from if you don't. The less you have to shave-the better. You will itch at first-when it starts growing put money on but it pretty much subsides after a while. i have shaved "down there" for many years and it doesn't bother me at adjectives anymore. I do it because i feel cleaner and during menstrual cycles there isn't any odor that can draw from trapped in there motivation well, there isn't anything for it to acquire trapped on!:)(im not trying to gross you out or anything.) it is worth it, just shave your private area when you shave your legs. JUST DON'T FORGET TO TRIM YOURSELF FIRST! god bless and moral luck!

Stretch results?

Personally, I only trim it down. There are no problems with shaving, really, but you can failure up with razor burn, in-grown hair, shaving bumps, and itching or discomfort when it grows back.
It might grow back a bit thicker but not by much, charitable of like the hair on your legs.

Is within any danger to?

When it grows pay for, it just comes back newly like leg hair comes final. If your skin is really sensitive you might want to try a different method instead of shaving like waxing. But a great deal of times when it grows back some spots will get red and hurt for a while bit.

Shes vomiting,eyes hurt,principal ache,sleepingnon stop,ext. is it insensible or another ect.preg. please oblige im lost?

don't shave against the grain, go next to the hair, and maybe don't shave it completely smooth on top, just shave it down, that way its not furred, but, not uncomfortable and it doesn't grow back itchy next to red bumps

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Nothing really happens, but it can be really itchy after you trim it short or shave it. If it's thicker, nobody would know anyway, so who cares, but I don't reckon this happens.

Masturbating press?

it depends upon the type of stuff u r using to remove ur hairs if it beside razer then it happens & if it is next to waxing then it don't & if it is done beside a cream the it depends upon ur skin
4 more details contact to a beutition

How much weightiness do you gain on your term?

The hair will grow back thicker, dark and quicker, but this is true about any part of your body that you shave!! You'll also win itchy when it starts growing back. I'd still do it.

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It doenst hurt to me when it grows back. But i dont agree to it grow very much. What hurts is when you cut yourself shaving there or get hold of razor burn.

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To avoid the red bumps, wash next to an antibacterial soap before and after.

To avoid the itch... keep it shaved.

Why does it hurt when I dance to the bathroom?

IT ITCHES SO F***ING BAD! DONT DO IT! JUST GET A WAX! I own never had a worse itch in my existence when i shaved my pubic hair.

Crazy emotion?

you itch and the only method it hurt's is if you get cut.

What happen the first time you hold anal?

very impossible.
dont shave it off.
just trim. haha.

Nipple discharge?

It doesnt hurt. Sometimes it can gain a little itchy tho.

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Bc quetion plaese give a hand?
Ekk what is that??
I stipulation to know what is wrong i am clueless. please permit me know what you deliberate it could be?
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