Can i purloin my Birth contol pill a hour hasty?

you see sunday i wont beable to take at 8pm like i usualy do more than possible i wont get to take it till 11am so psyche liek to take it just in the past we start our pesack meal around 7pm will that be ok? thank every one!!
ps if it matters i am on Ortho trycyclen lo

Does zinc really help out shorten all along time u enjoy a cold?

Yes you own two hours before and two after.

Is it commonplace for a girl to own a jolly trail?

call me irresponsible, but i've never really taken my pill at the exact same time. i other taken within 6hrs of the time that i try to take it by, or as long as i embezzle it that day im ok. ive been doin that for something like a year, and not pregnant yet. so dont worry takin it a hour untimely or late, wont really make a difference. righteous luck...

I have sex 16 days after my time of year. Ive stoppd using Contraceptive pills since my spell. Will i still be locked?

Yeah, you should be totally fine!
An hour earlier should make no difference!

I rarley filch mine at the same time and ive never had a problem.

As long as you do help yourself to it that day, you should be fine! :-)

Do girls own in the region of indistinguishable breast size as their mom?? or close to it?

Try to take them around impossible to tell apart time everyday if possible, that way they are more effectual.

I haven't have my time of year for 3 months but near is no haphazard that i'm pregnant... whats wrong?


Mammogram plz assist?

Yeah u can take it an hour early! No big!

I switched my belly ring out on the first morning make clear to me what's the worst that can begin?

GUYS: Do you resembling girls near: big boobs, big butt, shaved (arms,legs,private), and skinny or not?
Birth control?
I deliver my 2nd toddler 7 months backbone. i have a cesarian this time . my mc have not started as on the other hand. what should?
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