Masturbating request for information?

Im 13. I have never done this. I want to though. Is it wrong? Any tips? Please help!

Massage therapist? A few question!!?

Go slow, be relaxed (make sure you are somewhere your parents/siblings/whoever won't bother you) and basically have fun. As another answerer suggested, Clitical is a great place to learn. (If you're curious roughly speaking male masturbation, their brother site, is also a decent resource.)

There's nil "wrong" about it, it is TOTALLY normal and in actual fact very good for you.

Have fun!

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Because of your age i perceive rather uncomfortable nearly describing in full as you can honestly understand.
My best answer is merely explore your body, there is no real right or wrong bearing.
I am sure while you have showered you have notice how some things feel better when you wash them a unmistaken way, well lately explore that further.
Masturbation is about getting to know your body better.

I individual have my extent for three days this never happen previously?

rub your hand on your vagina jaws, after a while when you start to get excited, your vagina will secrete a lubricating fluid. once it is moist you can put a finger inside yourself. smear some of this fluid on your clitoris and rub it. after awhile you'll achieve a funny feeling down there, hold on to rubbing till you have the best feeling of your natural life. this is an orgasm. its not wrong its okay to do. some people don't approve, but who has to know. if it feel good do it.


ok it's really easy, it's not wrong and it's glowing! the site i give gives tons of technique and everything

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Wow..I wanna know the same thing! I am thirteen too!

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