What happen the first time you enjoy anal?

ive heard rumors about the skin ripping and not individual able to shiiitt propally for a while and a whole pile of other gross stuff.
me and my boyfriend are thinking about it, but i want to know whats going to happen past i actually do it.

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Tearing is possible, but if you use lubrication, try to relax back near, and take it slow, that shouldn't happen. If it's hurting, slow down!
(Sorry there's no bearing to make this sound non-gross) If he's not using a condom and comes inside you, you'll be farting it out on the toilet adjectives day. A good tip to avoid this is to travel to the bathroom right after you have anal sex to get rid of as much of it as possible.

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Word of proposal - if you're in the UK get something call a Baby Blue from Ann Summers, although no doubt there'll be similar elsewhere. It's effectively a small dildo type thing but it's designed to security you into anal sex. Don't forget the lube, ideally the stuff made for toys.

As for doing it for real - you need to be turned on and do it doggy style near plenty of lube, can't stress that enough. Make sure it's all over his penis and around your butt.

It will probably hurt a bit or at smallest be uncomfortable especially the first bit, but once he's in properly consequently it shouldn't be as bad. Just give your body time to return with used to the feeling. Make sure he does things slowly that is unbelievably crucial.

The only other thing is - ideally once he get inside you, he really needs to get the lead of the penis fully inside as that's the bit which hurts. And tell him not to try pulling too far back as you don't want the principal bit pulling in and out.

As for the rumours:

- As long as you go to the loo conceivably 1/2 hour before then near won't be anything within range up nearby.

- If you're careful then you won't do any disfavour. See lube!

- It'll actually feel approaching you wanna go take a dump more than anything as that's adjectives your body understands from that feeling. You might be aware of a little odd for an hour afterwards, but it should subside.

- It shouldn't affect going to the loo contained by my experience. Sometimes the lube can cause slightly odd colouration, but nought too bad.

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Maybe you could say use something like that on him first and consequently he'll understand the idea of going slow and person careful with you. Plus he might soak up it...

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If i were you i wouldnt do it. ive heard stories that made me wonder why family do that. 1. i heard that once you do that after a while your butt hole stays like that and that you could hold accidents, meanin you might **** on yourself. 2. its very smelly unless you really verbs urself. 3. a jalapeno seed went inside this guys penis from havin anal and have to see the dr. because hes penis really burned and 4. i heard that it feels similar to you gotta take a **** all while your doin it. so.. that said believe about it, its an exit not an entrance. good luck and dont do it

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Haha.. Don't listen to adjectives of the rumors. As long as you take it easy and use like mad of lubrication you'll be fine. It'll be pretty painful at first but nothing too fruitless if you really want to try it that bad.

The only myth that may be slightly true is around bowel movements. Usually I'll have diarreah afterward, like the subsequent day, but that's about it. And from the other population I have talked to roughly it, they say the same.

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you will suffer some niggle and possible bleeding and scars. there could be some torn tissue. it is tricky to use the bathroom after just because you don't want to let those muscle relax and you don't want anything endorsement through. i had a girlfriend once who told me she loved that painful passion because it reminded her of what she had done and who she done it with. it generally takes about 7 days for complete medicinal with soreness. and just so you know.. this be my one and last experience... i don't like it instinctively...good luck to you tho

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It is going to be really painful. I havnt or would never do it. Id be to upset. Make sure you use a condom and lots of lube. Ive heard tearing can go off so just be gentle and relax. Use lube defo. Be thrifty and if it hurts stop. =] xx

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