Tight vagina?? 10 points best answer!?

so i am very tight, i am a virgin, its tight in the sides close to i can only fit one finger up there. i be aware of abnormal. i tried to have sex back but his penis woudnt fit and it hurt alot so i made him stop.

i have tried to use a tampon too before, and get it in ok, i ***** feel it contained by, but i could not get it out. i was immensely dry and it was the worst pain ive ever feel trying to get it out.

so is this normal? or what? cuz im getting worried. im 18 and primed to try and have sex again with my lover but im afraid he wont fit and itl be degrading.
also what about the tampon? why could i not get it out?


I feel there's something wrong near me. I told my mom. Now what?

Your vagina is a muscle and it stretches to allow his penis inside, same as it would stretch out to let a newborn infant come out (you wouldn't think it could stretch that far would you?). When you own sex you have to be really turned on and then your hormones will release a fluid that make his penis slide right in, maybe freshly a little pain the first time of sexual intercourse. The first time usually other hurts! But you were right to stop him if he was hurting you, because it should NEVER hurt that much! If you are shy especially because you think it might hurt or feel guilty around having sex you might get dry (your hormones founder to release fluid). You can buy a lubricant for the first time of sex (KY Jelly) which would help him to slide in easier.

I've have hard time with tampons too. In reality with me they always hurt trying to insert them so I give up. But they are known to cause closely of problems with infections and toxic shock syndrome so it's probably better you don't wear them. However that's your choice. You might just own a dry vagina. It would be good for you to see a Gynecologist and he/she could test you to see if you are running low on your hormones (which would motive dryness) and also prescribe a lubricant type medication that you take nightly. Hope this info. helps. Better luck subsequent time . . .

Period and pad?

Try to slowly fit more than one finger at a time up there. The tampon hurt to take it out because it be dry. When I pull out a tampon and its dry, it hurts a little bit for me too and Im not even a virgin! Lol, in recent times slowly work your was up to getting a few fingers in your vagina. Maybe your guy can give a hand too. You were probably a little apprehensive when you tried to have sex and that made it even tighter. So next time relax, and hold your man help you out

24 weeks prego and told not to shave or wear deoderant? (Long Description!!)?

wow, I've never really heard of that in actual fact
you could ask a doctor?

or maybe stretch your legs
sit down, straddle, and try to touch your toes.

sry, those are my only two philosophy

and with the tampon thing, where on earth you on your period? because if you were, your shouldn't hold been that dry in the first place.

I a short time ago needed to know from anyone.?

im sure that's conventional cause u shouldnt b worryin about that and stuff. and if he truely luvs u and 4 sum cause that happens then he and you shouldnt b embarassed but if you a moment ago like use lubricants and stuff im sure everythign will be fine. and like eveyrones different and ive hear of ppl that cant fit tampons in either so dont verbs. no one is ever alone. good luck and i hope thsi somewhat help you!

Please sustain me.. Girls just.?

Because it was too dry probably.Having sex with your boyfriend may be for a while painful at first,but just use some lubricant and you should be fine.It wont hurt forever,so purely try to endure the brief discomfort and you will be fine.

Cherry pop.?

you just said your a virgin, that explains adjectives of it, just next time variety sure you have plenty of lube and go really slowly. and don't use tampons if you're not bleeding heavily you will rip the walls and that hurts like hell. that makes sex hurt to.

For the ladies( not kids) do you shave below the border?

Try using lubed condom when have sex next time or have him use lube and try to put one next two fingers in thats how i did it

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ohh gosh thatz a big problem well u knoo mess near it ever nite start to try 2 fingers im not sure to say wat to help u but it is conventional

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Just like doing a split, you need to stretch every light of day to get where you want.

Period stories?

Sweetheart you are getting worried for nil, if you are not sexually aroused then you will probably only win your finger in.

When you aroused the vagina get bigger and afterwards you will accommodate two fingers or more and will certainly accommodate your partners penis. You inevitability to have plenty of foreplay so that that you get aroused and in position to accept his penis , try using Ky Jelly as well to assist near lubrication.

I f you think that you still can net hold intercourse then let your partner or you again next to plenty of KY try one finger and if that is comfortable then try two fingers and see how that feel, use the KY Jelly each time so you are well lubricated and if you are comfortable beside him using two fingers then let him try humanely try to insert his penis , but remember you need to be relaxed for this to be comfortable , also the girth of two fingers is slightly bigger than the girth of the average penis

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