Please abet me.. Girls single.?

im really scared about using a tampon.
Will it hurt.
:( Please supply me an answer. !

I havent have my interval for six weeks immediately. What do i do?

it won't hurt at all, whether or not you are a virgin. you may be nervous, and this will do your muscles to tighten--this may make it harder for you to bring yourself to push it in, but not more bleeding.

Embarrassing cross-examine...?

Using a tampon is as easy as reciting your ABCs (: Just follow these instructions and everything will progress smooth:

if its your first time take a deep breath and relax. it's much easier to insert a tampon when you're relaxed i take practice-most women need a few tries before they can comfortably and efficiently insert a tampon. When using a tampon for the first time, choose a day when your flow is moderate.


1. Probably best to have verbs hands. Take tampon out of wrapper.

2.Fet into a cofortable position. Most women either sit on the toilet near their knees apart, squat slightly with knees bent or stand with one foot on the toilet form.

3.Inserting the applicator. Hold the outer insertation tube by the finger grip with your tumb and index finger. With the removal string hanging down, insert the tip of the applicator into your vagina at a slight upward angle, approximtley 45 degree. Slide the outer insertation tbe all the way into your vagina until your fingers touch your body.

4.Push the tampon inside. Push the inner tube next to your pointer finger all the way int the outer tube or use your other foot to push the inner tube.

5.Removing the inner tube and outer applicator at the same time. The tampon should now be comfortable inside you, near the removal string hanging outside your ody. When tampon is inserted properly you shouldn't feel any discomfort. If you grain uncomfortable the tampn might not be placed far enough inside. If this happends remove the tampon and try again beside a new one.

6.You can wear the tampon for up to 8 hours, i reccomend changing it every 4 on filling flow days.

7. Removal Relax your muscles. Slowly and gently pull the removal string downward at equal ange you used to insert the tampon. Don't worry about the string - it's securly sewn throughout the tampon. If you grain discomfort while removig the tampon, it is not fully absorbed. You may either want to wear a tampon for longer subsequent time or use lower absorancy tampons.

I'm thinking going on for getting a breast price cut.. backing!?

if you haven't had your period 4 atleast 2 years i would suggest not using tampons (b/c of tss). some culture say it hurts the first time puting one in if you're a virgin??; but i'm a virgin and it never hurt when i started using them. if it hurts you probably inserted it incorrectly b/c if you inserted it right you shouldn't know how to feel it at all. if you enjoy trouble inserting one you can try using some patroleum jelly. if you're still in junior high or younger you should net sure it's OK w/ your mom before you start using them. good luck. ;)

Most women want larger boobs, however, I want smaller ones.?

They don't hurt if you do it right. Get the smallest size, and you might find it easier to use an applicator tampon and hang about till your period is quite thickset for your first attempt.

Sit on the toilet or even on the floor. You might find a mirror handy so you can see what you're doing. Take a deep breath and relax the muscles "down there" Push the applicator in aiming towards the small of your hindmost (not straight up). If it won't go in undemanding you can put a bit of vaseline or cream on the applicator to help it slide in. Push it right within until the outer tube is right inside your vagina. Then push the inner tube right into the outer tube and take the tubes out. If you can feel the tampon when you stand up or amble around then you have not get it in far enough and you should verbs it out and try again later. If it is in right you should not know how to feel it is there.

There's a knack to it and it basically takes practice. Good luck!

This is really embarrising but why do i surface guilty after masterbating?

Dont listen to that freak. Tampons dont hurt. When you insert one, I would start with a regular or pallid, not a heavy. I would also use a plastic application, they are much more comfortable. Use the insert information that comes with respectively box of tampons. For best insertion put it in slanted slightly to the left. It will not hurt and once you do it, you will be a pro. Tampons are different next sex, totally.

Stretch results?

If it hurts your doing it wrong. call a womens center and ask them, or even planned parent hood. You can get tss (toxic shock syndrome) if your not particular with tampon use. The y do come with instructions surrounded by the box or you can call the 800 number on the printed material Dont be flushed everyone has to learn at some point.

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Sometimes. Just clear sure you're relaxed when you insert it and also when you remove me it makes a difference. Also you should start out with a flimsy absorbency tampon (like regular)...they hurt much less when it comes to taking it out.if you do it right, you won't even be able to consistency it once it's inside you. Plastic applicators are easier to use.

Women Only!?

I didn't start using them until after I wasn't a virgin. I was 19 yikes huh? If you really want to start using them try slimflits by playtex. I used them the first time around and they are wonderful. They are made for first timers and teens. Lots of girl that are virgins use them, just start near a lower asborancy and get used to them first . Stick with pad for now if your still uncomfortable.

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The solely way it hurts is if you put it in wrong. Go to the websites below for more information. These will serve hopefully!

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I'm not really sure if it hurts. I want to use tampons too, I asked my mom about it and she says no. I know lots of populace who say it doesn't hurt. I am to scared to try to. If you want to do it, tell me how it was.

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Well it depends on how out-of-date you are, and if you've had sex or not. Before I had sex (18) I couldn't use tampons because they hurt and would seize caught by the hymen. I would talk to your mom or dr about it if you're comfortable near that.
best of luck


No it will not hurt...the person that said it will hurt is an idiot. Tampons dont hurt when inserted properly. And you can be a virgin and still use tampons. It might be uncomfortable the first time around but it wont hurt

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i used one relatively recently for the first time and no it doesnt hurt very much! very well thats what i thought! it might hurt when it goes all the route inside..but it may also hurt if it isn't in properly.

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It doesn't hurt...and no you won't lose your virginity.
Read the instructions carefully and everything will be alright.

Early Puberty Help?

If you put it contained by right you wont even feel it!! So It wont hurt just use the instructions on the box ! =)

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no it won't don'tlisten to him/her...
im 13 and the first year i started my period i used a tampon u don't even feel it!

Can anyone facilitate me this is a bit mortifying??

no it does not hurt
i be scared too
jus follow the instructions and u shuld be finee
and make sure u relaxx

For the concluding two or three months, i enjoy be spotting blood approaching two weeks after my extent, why is that?

yes hurts unadulterated bad

My girlfriend is have a terrifically standard lamp time, and here be a brown discharge beforehand that. can someone lend a hand me?

well if you are a virgin it will hurt

if your not use to it it will hurt

and you entail to be really wet down there contained by order to use it



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