Breast augmentation or tummy tuck?what is more beneficial to a girls self esteem?

what do you think will make me be aware of better about myself?if i get a tummy tuck or if i bring my breasts done. and if i get both then should i bring both of them at the same time or should i wait and carry them seperately?i dont think i have the money for both but i am a short time ago wondering if i should do it together and make payments on them for a longer amount of time.

Thyroid and the sun?

Well, for me personally, a tummy tuck would serve me feel better about myself. The denial of tummy will automatically make your boobs look bigger.

I involve HELP!!?

No. It's not going to make you discern better. You might feel "prettier", but that's only because you own a skewed vision of what true beauty is.

If you're doing it so guys consider you're hot-- DON'T DO IT! It's not worth it!! There are so many other things people find attractive than boobs and abs-- sense of self, being funny, being easygoing or relaxing, etc.

I required to have breast implants and while I be in college, I met this really hot guy. He was a pilot. He be very athletic. A total stud. He was contained by a lot better shape than me! We started dating. If he saw a "plastic" girl, he'd make comments resembling, "That's so repulsive" or "I hate girls with big boobs". We've be married a year and a half now and I've never feel better about myself.

Leave your body the way God made it. There is simply one you. You don't need to have Eva Longoria's abs and Dolly Parton's boobs. Love your body the mode it is.

If you want to alter your body, try working out and eating healthier. Get a unmarked haircut. Try something different with your makeup. Don't enjoy surgery. It's permanent and you might regret it 5 months down the road.

A growth in the neighbourhood the vent of vagina?

I would get the tummy tuck instinctively.Muh breast are already to big.42DD and i hate it...i have so lots back problems.ppl tell me to bring them reducted but i have no money for that..but i have other wanted a tummy tuck...i gained almost 85 pounds when i be prego..and its really hard to lose the stir wit the tummy tuck if u ask me!! good luck with ur result

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I'd rather get a tummy tuck individually b/c as the person above me said, it makes your boobs look bigga.

Continuous bleeding?

tummy tuck!

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Shorter length?!?
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