i do have a partner to present with but contained by the past im def. not good near oral presentations, i start shaking or my voice is all do i stop stressing about it? how can i increase for monday? how do i stop worring about it?!?!?! plz plz

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Just because you didn't do so okay in the past does not mingy you will be OK on Monday!

The first thing to realize it is not the presentation you are worrying about what is cause your distress is your own anxiety.

The good thing almost anxiety is, it only last on lofty power 20 minutes then it eases. (The body take care of itself).

So arrive early and be afraid, or time is so your speech is half an hour into the presentation.

The best method too is to keep cards on you and be extremely prepared.

I used to be super terrified of public speaking and I still get anxious. But I hold improved a lot. Now I don't mind it so much.

Start your agree with a joke, or if you cannot nude that, tell people "I am not the best presenter but I'm earnest to deliver this information to you!" and make your nervousness give the impression of being a bit morel like excitement. People are very sympathetic to nervy speakers and they are nervous themselves. In fact probably 9 out of 10 relatives are super nervous.

Finally imagine everyone unclothed and on the toilet reading the paper!

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We used to yell or address to a tree or a fence post. It was for training of another features not so much a presentation like what you are doing. But get comfortable near your information know wit well have some one ask you a few cross-examine roll play it some. Be prepared to answer and even ask a few questions. When someone ask you something restate the question so this Will donate you a little more time to think of an answer afterwards ask the person is that what you are asking me. this give the rest and yourself cofidenc you know what you are conversation about. Give them the answer and if you don't know so tell them I'm not sure but I will look it up and carry back to you, next interview please.

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in a way that can nouns really wrong! sorry lol. erm practice infront of a mirror. maybe infront of a group of mates, so you know what its approaching infront of an audience. dont worry. GOOD LUCK! x

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