For the ladies( not kids) do you shave below the border?

Just curious.

While taking Yaz, what light of day will you fire up your time of year?

yes hairs nasty

A weird/ silly ques in the region of sex and pregnancy?

i know alot of girls hold a probably with the actual ability to shave that nouns, but after spending like 80 bucks to have it wax several times, i learned how to shave it, so yes, absolutely, but the leading reason is not for what people woudl judge i suppose, it truly is better hygiene..

Women: I turning 18 subsequent week and Im considering a sex progress.?

the only part I ask to be shaved is around the jaws and butt, the "undercarriage". I don't care how much hair is on the biggest upper triangle area, I just want the labia to be viewable and lickable :p

To those who say aloud it makes you look liek a 4 year old, ably shaving your legs and armpits does the same thing, so I suppose you shouldn't shave those any?

Changing time of birth control pill?

ohh yes I do I don't want spider legs hanging out of my breches.

Not everything, Just trim short and the sides did enjoy an accident with the shears and cut a smooth on top spot had to shave it all past its sell-by date and it looked so weird kinda alein to me growing it back as we speak I recomend ya use a gaurd.

How do i receive curves approaching a women?

Yes, I shave it adjectives off. It's just cleaner.

For the woman who have problems with bumps ... when you first start shaving an area "down there" that you didn't shave previously, you'll always get bumps. Just dawdle until the bumps heal, and shave it again. And keep doing that, eventually you won't grasp bumps anymore.

What is wrong next to me?

used to. was a huge pain to preserve up with. the next hours of daylight, there would be black dots already. and i wasted greatly of money on razor blades and shaving cream. but it's not natural, so i simply shave my bikini area.

What is a pap assessment?

Mhm, all of it. Well, I generally wax like my bikini shape, but then shave the rest. I don't similar to having hair anywhere, I shave my arms legs armpits and that. Hair is creepy :P lol

How do I obtain rid of cellulite?

I usually use quill removal cream on the bikini line area, and trim the rest really short. Shaving it bad just causes intense itching when it grows posterior.

Does an IUD hurt to enjoy inserted and removed?

just a little section of it. i dont like when i hear people read aloud they shave the whole thing. it sounds close to a 4 year olds vagina!

I am have breast markdown my medical is paying my size is 38ddd what size is the best size to be?

No I agree with the other girl, if you shave it, it looks like a young at heart girls vagina. Besides it itches when it grows back.

Can you injure your cervix next to a medicinal applicator?

I leave a strip contained by the middle, I agree that completely shaved reminds me of being a little kid.

I own miss my time for a 2nd month within a row immediately, but i've taken similar to 6 pregnancy test..adjectives gloomy?

used to

I Cannot Believe This Just Freakin Happened!?

some times..

I will hold my tubes tied this time,and I'd approaching to know what to be precise similar to, and how it effects recouping??

What are the signs of a term . . . . . . . . . ?? i wonder ?
Ladies query, individual ladies please. awkward?
How do you masturbate steps and every entry i am 14 going on 15 and i still don't know how are what it is?
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