Sex near thrush?

is it ok to have sex without a condom when you own thrusha nd your partner does too, or will it make it worse?

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You just maintain reinfecting each other and it'll never go away. Try to hold rotten until it's cleared up.

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NO. Please don't do this, you risk spreading the infection to your reproductive organs if you are having sex. Even if your partner already has thrush, your concern should be that he can introduce it further into your body through sexual contact. Please hold sour on intercourse until you are over the infection!

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Sweetheart i cannot believe that you are asking this question, do you like have thrush because that is what will happen you are both infecting your self. What you call for to do is top any contact until you hare both clear from thrush and that means oral sex as well as thrush can survive and prosper contained by your mouth.

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thrush is a yeast infection. and it will defiently irritate you. TRUST ME I KNOW it hurts like a *****! and your partner may get it also [even though its smaller number common for men to get it] but freshly to be safe either dont own sex or use a condom. even though i know it can be hard to sustain yourself haha

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try and go in need until the thrush has cleared up for both of you or you might keep ratification it back and forward. if you use canasten, it should clear up quite vigorously.

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well i think i enjoy it, im on the pill too and dont use a condom, i use cream. i thought my bf would have caught it, but hes alright. it can irritate you though it does with me some times. it wont manufacture it worse though

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Even though thrush appears by itself, it can also be passed on to your boyfriend. So unless this guy wants thrush please use a condom.

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Not a good opinion. Once both of you are treated and given the all clear, then you can start have sex again (with or without a condom, your choice)

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Thrush the disease you mean? I suppose you should never have sex without a condom unless you're planning to hold a baby

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from memory I would find that too painfull
use a condon until you are OK
are you both using the cream?

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It will irritate you/yor partner even more. I would refrain until the thrush is cleared.

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It will obstinately irritate it more if you have intercourse of any kind i would lay stale it for a while!

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No, don't do that. Wait until it goes away and yes, it will make it much worse...

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It'll variety it worse and your partner will catch it...

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i dont know about thrush, but we both enjoy budgies and we simply cover the cages with a towel so they cant see us

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it will irritate it and brand name it stay longer. get some canasten duo. it should clear up within 3 days.

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I would speak no and ewwww.

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I had this problem a few weeks ago,he caught the male journal (which looks really bad)because we did not use condoms. I suggest you buy canesten duo, it's a little pricey but you take one big blue tablet and then use the soothing cream. On the leaflet it didnt articulate stop having sex but it said the cream stops condoms working. I would lay off till the effects hold worn off as it is very humiliated doing it and yes it could make it worse.

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It's okay if you smear sh'it on his wang first.

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