I've 23, and never have a unadulterated interval. Am I infertile?

I am freaked out because I have finally met the man of my dreams, and hope one day to hold his children. I'm 23 and only had a few legitimate periods. I was 13 once, and 16. Since afterwards nothing. When I was 18 I be put on medroxyprogesterone 10mg, once a day for 14 days to force my period. I budge yearly to the obgyn and he's never felt anything crazy on my ovaries but who's to enunciate I'm not infertile? I'm freaked out but the dr did say that once I was organized to have kids then to business deal with it them because if I was infertile, he didn't want me wasting any precious eggs. Is this a crock or is in that truth in this?

I AM a bbw, over weight, but losing it presently. I've done my research on being overweight etc and there are some connections near infertility but that it is totally possible for a woman of size to have kiddos.

Someone, anyone, advice? Or purely lose weight, pray and try fertility drugs later on? I want to try and do this instinctively through weight loss, etc. Thanks.

(Girls Only) Do you other touch "fat" while you are have your length?

see a specialist miss

She doesn't want it close as much as I do.?

go to a dr for a sure answer. But u won't surplus your preciouse eggs because you cannot control when you put them out. The only way you could leftovers them is by not having sex. If you have have your period at least once, consequently obviously you have a few eggs. You may requirement to see a fertility Dr. and you might even need to have your kid made surrounded by a lab (with a specialist) once you meet the man of your dreams. GOOD LUCK!

Weight Problem?


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I would DEFINATELY go to another gynocologist. This is not everyday at all. Have you ever had messy cramping or pain? You may have PCOS. I be recently diagnosed with this, after I didn't own my period for 5 months (I am 25 and have have my period since I turned 12). You definately need and ultrasound and test run, not just pushing on your ovaries. That is ridiculous that he doesn't do more. I reccommend a large gyno practice contained by your area and a woman. I don't like manly obgyns--I heard the comparison once that it's like choosing a mechanic who have never driven a car. He may know his stuff, but doesn't really know anything as he hasn't/can't expereicne. When I was diagnosed next to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome--small cysts around the ovaries, google it for more details), i was told that if I lost 10% of my body weight, I would probably go and get normal periods. However, I be put on, and you should be on too, birth control pills to regulate my period. It is not good for you not to own periods for so long. This HIGHLY increases your risk for cancer.

Anyway, go to a big, reputable obgyn. If you are already at a large one (preferably the largest in your state next to several branches),then choose a different gyno.

I'm sorry, but I feel that he have been very irresponsible next to this.

After you are tested and they find out more about what is causing this/what, if any, condition you may enjoy, then they can tell you what your fertility treatments/options are. Anyway, I would not put this past its sell-by date any long. Try to make an appt. now. If you lived contained by NC, I'd reccommend a good one for you. My gyno would flip if she heard this story! She be worried that I hadn't had mine for 5months!

Ok...sorry...I really don't mean to freak you out. Don't verbs, I'm sure that things will be fine, but get on top of it ASAP. Good luck to you and your wonderful, prince charming!

My first spell or not? I CANT TELL! give a hand im solely 12!?

not run of the mill your periods are neccesary and i would understand if you skipped a month or two but years!!
you want to see a specialist and see wats going on inside of you.have you had any nice of surgery's or anything?
p.s i am a bbw as well and i never missed a period except when i be pregnant.not saying that its not the weight issue because every woman's body is different but i would suggest you obtain to a doctor now and also lose weight within the process dont sit around and think once i lose weight i will be o.k you requirement to check every possible aspect that this can be coming from as early as possible.wish you adjectives the luck in the world and god bless!

Why do I still hold cramps 3 weeks after my length gone?

The WL issue is most likely the culprit. At my out-and-out heaviest I got my period twice surrounded by 1 month then not again until I lost the weight (about 18 months later). I enjoy had my periods regularly since that time. It be scary but truthfully I didn't miss it :)

Do you by any chance hold PCOS?
You're right, heavy people sure can bring pregnant and make wonderful moms. It is much more difficult and there are greater issues besides the fertility for mother and child (I'm not gonna talk you on that, I'm sure you're educated). Anyone who questions the beauty of a bigger girl is a moron, but regretfully if we're talking about form it is an issue. Good for you for taking the healthy road, lots of luck!

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