Why Computer Chip Breast Injections ? ? ?

First our pets are injected with the micro chip. Then 2,ooo TOP Secret Service Men get micro chip injection contained by hands . Now the chip is going in to our children's arts school iniforms to keep track of them. Now if you get a computer chip injection within your breasts it will help breast Cancer DECTECTION . This is WEIRD ? ? ?
Why all these ID MICRO chip injections ? ? ?

Has anyone have the cervical cancer vaccine?

Wow that smacks of the Mark of the Beast, wouldnt you voice?

What is this mobile and sensitive pea size lump on my departed breast?

Weird is too kind. Asainine, ridiculous is more like it.

If this keep up, soon the microchip will be our barcode unless people stop it. A freakish society gone wrong where relatives and the government can track your every move, know your personal detail, and turn you into some goddamned hybrid machine. Chips are for computers and television, NOT humans. If this keeps up, it'll just be resembling the "Mark of the Beast" where you either be chipped or starve. Regardless of how "beneficial" it will be to society. I'd a bit wear a diabetic bracelet, or teach my children to be safe, or filch a few extra seconds to swipe my credit card than be chipped. The binary barcode is fine the way it is.

Goddamn the RFID industry to hell, I say aloud.

It's far too dangerous. Soon the government will be clandestinely microchipping every newborn if this keeps up.

You can come up with reason to microchip just about everyone, and some society out there do believe it. That's the sad section.

Children can be microchipped so they won't get lost or kidnapped.

Soldiers can be microchipped to find them if they attain captured.

Workers can be microchipped to store data and serve as their ID card.

Elderly can be microchipped to ensure they won't hurt themselves.

Convicts can be microchipped to know everywhere they go.

Immigrants can be microchipped so the governmen knows who get in and out of the country.

Students can be microchipped for better attendance and faster roll taking.

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