Period press?

ok so yesterday i was inclass and i was working near a red marker and i got it on my fingers. later i went to the bathroom (ive never gotten my period b4) and i peed and i wipe, and it was all red. i be shocked, and wiped again and only a lil red come off. it was rly desk light red too. so i wasnt sure if it was just familiar sight but how could marker like catch there? its not like i put my fingers here! so i put some toilet paper there purely in case, and i took it out a lil following, and there was a tinnnny bit of red. and i havent have anything since then. could it be my period? or simply marker??

When they say aloud the end cycle...?

It was probably a moment ago the marker. The ink soaked through because when you wiped the dissertation got wet and trnsfered some of the ink. It happen to me, I was doing pink hair mascara and after I went pee and wiped and saw it and (I haven't gotten my extent either) freaked! So I wiped again and I found out it was mane mascara. But wear a pantyliner just in baggage.

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Do you feel cramps ?
i got mine on asnow year i was lucky but hey it could be ur period my first one i have lots of cramps but not alot of blood well from wat i can remeber
tell ur mom ask her share her the story and she will give u pads and afterwards see wat happens keep her updated!
fitting luck

I involve to know if my clit can gain its sensitivity hindmost?

It's you period welcome to to womanhood
relate you mom
good luck!

What's the brownish stuff coming from my vagina?

yupp its your period
wear a pantie liner
or tampons

Body dry-clean for a sensitive vagina?

It's your time of year, tell your mom.

Like what are the risk of 14 year weak have brest implant?

it could be ur period

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Girls solitary please?
Umm kinda do i...?
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