Why won't my mom permit me use tampons?

I've asked my mom could i use tampons and she said 'no, girls aren't suppose to wear those'. But a lot of girls i know wear them. I've had my interval since i was 11( i'm now 14) and i am tired of using pad. How can i convince her to let me use them or should i just use them anyway.


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alot of mothers consistency like if there daughter is a virgin consequently they have no reason to be sticking those up at hand [my mom was the same way}...and also in that are alot of dangers with using a tampon if you are not really sure on how to use them... alot of younger kids are irresponsible{I know i was} and could forget adjectives about it...then you could get hold of TSS

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Well when i asked my mom , well she asked me if i wanted to wear them because i play sports , and pad are such a mess, an sometimes you smell { no offense }

She probably doesnt want you too because it has to do with you know putting it " somwhere" , and doesnt want you to do that all the same ,

playing sports is a way to convince her, wel good luck , and preserve askin,
hope this advice helped you!


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resourcefully really i dont think girls should wear tampons, but i think its easyer to wear them so you wont surface unconfertable wearing a pad when your out with friends.
if you read a box of tampons or the flier inside it always says silver the tampon asmuch as you can. it can in very exceptional cases cause TSS toxic shock syndrome i think...
where on earth you somewha have symptions of being bad, and you end up in comas... extraordinary to think about it and it can murder you so death by tampon... that might be why. or maybe she dosent similar to the idea of things going up there...?
if shes fussy give or take a few you and boys it could explain why...

HELP Fast?

My mom was the same route. I couldn't convince her if my life depended on it. She said that tampons do cause more infections than pad but they are pefectly safe if you change them frequently. You could try and convince your mom - report to her that you play sports and they would work alot better. Did you try telling her that your friends use them? If she's worried about infections , inform her to do some research or maybe ask her to ask your family doctor.
Good luck :)

First spell; when will it jump away?!?!?

My mother also thought that I would no longer be a virgin if I used tampons. That is so not true. Another anxiety of a mother is TSS toxic shock syndrome. I would suggest talking to her and telling her that you touch like you want to make this decree about your own body. If you still have problems next to that, I would try making a doctor appt and have your mother go beside you so they can explain to her the truth about tampons. Good luck with everything. :)

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She's probably worried just about you getting toxic shock syndrome. It's really rare that anyone will get TSS, but it does appear. My mom was the same opening. If you really want to convince her, don't say that it's because "everybody else uses them." That won't work. Just say that it's inconvenient to use pad and plus, you think it's better to use tampons for gym class. (That's the excuse I used haha)

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dont use them behind hre subsidise . id tell her that its faultlessly normal and u want to be prepared incase u ever go to the shore and u have ur period . alot of girls do wear them . some of my parents quality the same way because they consider its like losing ur virginity , bu **** really not . theyre very small and jammy to put it and i think soem of those things shuld convince her .. goodluck=]

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explain to your mom how you feel and if she still say no, then do it. well if my mom told me no and i looked-for too, i'd do it anyway. it's your period! she shouldn't tell YOU what's best for YOU. if you wanna wear tampons move about for it, girlie.

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She probably thinks that you wont be a virgin anymore. Which is FALSE. Just buy some on your own. Or you can ask a good friends mom to buy them for you

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Just have a chat to your friends about trying theirs, or go out and receive Tampax Pearl Lites and try them out.

I've worn tampons since age 11 (I'm 34 now) and I love them.

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She won't let you because you can get TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome). Google it if you don't know.

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becuase to heaps people brake their necks the the tramps. if u want you can come over and use mine ;]

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lots of moms don't want their daughters to use tampons because of adjectives the infections you can get from them.
maybe you should communicate your mom that it bothers you while gym and when you change in locker room every girl is close to "eww you use a pad" [ thats what i did.. i told my mom that all the girls look at me and are like oh u still use pads]

conceivably you should tell your mom all the bright sides of tampons =]

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  • How to insert a tampon?
  • I Can Feel My Tampon?

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