Really freaking out...Help?

I've been off ritalin which i be taking for 14 years for the past 3 weeks, at first I had no withdraw or anything, but now I am sometimes not hearing what ethnic group say right, for example a friend was wise saying that he got another pair of hand from.. and all i heard be something about handsome? i am also seeing things wrong at times, i thought a bottle of syrup was rather man, for about a half a second. and thought that a toddler shirt was deodorant, it was alike color etc, but being that i put it there i should own known what it was. i am really worried that this will catch worse, should i ask to see a neurologist or get a mri? what will show if there is something wrong near my brain? im 8 wks preg and really stessing over this. i dont want it to get worse

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Ritalin withdrawal is supposed to be medically supervised because of the side effects- insomnia, paranoia, depression, and so on. When I researched it, I kept reading over and over that it's rough.

So, hail as your doctor, and get in to see him or her as soon as you can. When you nickname, stress the severity of the things your are experiencing.

Although it is not fair to you to diagnose on line, I suspect that your brain is of late fine, it is just having a rough time coping near the chemical changes it is experiencing.

Call your doctor.

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Well, it might have something to do next to the Ritalin, but were you taking anything else? You should see your OB asap, and get to the bottom of it. Try not to verbs too much, it could just be your body reacting to the nouns of meds it has had for 14 years.

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This is probably from the deduction of Ritalin but your ob doctor needs to know ASAP

I'm on yaz and took a placebo pill by twist of fate what are the probability i could carry pregnant?

yea go see a doctor ... within case you didnt no and im not trying to scare you more but stress can explanation you to "lose" the baby...i hope everythings ok

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that seem doomed to failure im not sure im not a doctor or anything but i think you definitly need to address to your doctor

Am I developing??

You have made some large change in body chemistry recently and you are adjust to them. It is good that you are aware of your misperceptions and take the opportunity to determine the truth.

This is not predicting a dark future of mysterious aberration of the mind. As you keep watching your adaptation to the changed hormonal level in your body, it should settle down. Give yourself a period to relax and monitor, say 15 days. After that, if you feel that you stipulation treatment, see your doctor. Panic never helps anything. Your baby will appreciate your stillness.

Can you net your body start your term?

Birth control?
PLEASE HELP ME I'm simply 15 ...?
Umm.awkward PLEASE HELP!?
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