What age did you carry your first length?

I got mines when I was ten, I be just wondering what most common age be.


i got mine at 12

Does anyone give somebody a lift Seasonale?

I was 10 but nearly 11 when i first started. I be regular like normal, and thewn at the age of roughly speaking 14 they were slowly stopping, i would first miss a mounth then it would be 2 mounths formerly i have enother one .. and then they merely suddenly stopped!! i had the pains but ntohing else. As i lost my Nan and aunite within a week of eachother, we thought it could enjoy been down to stress and shock. I went for 2 years lacking a period and i got a bit worried. I kept goin to my doctor and he said it was growing pains .. in the shutting down at the age of just turning 15 i went to a Gynocolgist. That be kind of embarrasing .. But about 2 year ago very soon i found out i had PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Sundrome) and i was close to have Ovarian Cancer at the age of 15 .. now im all subsidise to normal .. just involve to make sure i take the pill .. otehr astute ill go stern to before

Are in that anyways to be paid a bruise run away FAST besides makeup?

I had newly turned 10 when I got mine. Pretty early I guess, but my mother have already told me about it when I was around 8 and to expect it contained by the next few years... Wasnt to big of a deal except I thought for the first six months or so it be a hideous inconvience to have every month. I got departed that though as I got more used to it. I think most girls usually start more around 12 though.

Will sit ups oblige?

i get my period when i turned 16.

but the average should be around 12 yrs old but it adjectives depends on body fat and genetics.

ive be thin my whole vivacity but my doc said i hadnt gotten my period because i was underweight so he told me to gain some consignment.

on the other hand my cousin has be over weight since she was around 5 and get hers when was 9.

Contraceptive slip?

i was 12 when i started mine.

it be really bad.

i was camp with some friends of my family,

and it be the forth of july.

my mom wasnt even there to give me any support.

but when i go home a few days later... i guess my mom told

the whole world because greatly of people came up to me

and started to ring up me a real big girl...

that was embarassing. : I lol.

A sign of menopause?

I be 12 (two years ago) but it took me another few months before it got regular.

I know I get MINE early, though, so I'm supposing that at 10 you've gotten yours early too. A friend of mine is also 14 and she still hasn't gotten hers however. I think it's BMI-related - my BMI is 20.2, my period-less friend's BMI is like 14.5 or something.

How night light is your time when using Birth Control?

I'm 17 in the region of to turn 18 and i still haven't.I don't even have boobs...:( OMG

My cousins are twins and 19 years old immediately. Twin 1 was 12or 13.

Twin 2 was 16.so it only depends

Late Bloomer comments on here are not 13 years old. Late bloomer is 16 to 19 years old

I took a prenancy audition and it's positive, I call the doctor right away however they set my appointment for

10 and it be my last day of 5th echelon and for graduating the 5th graders at our school have a really big water day I be looking forward to it. sadly to say I never get to go.

My g/f interval ?

I got mine when I be 11. It sucked not once since then, even in the extraordinarily beginning have I ever not gotten it, it seem like most people miss afew, but not me surrounded by all 8 years.

Is this average?

you prolly got your at age ten cos you werent doin anyhting \what i be going to is when you are active and playing alot of sports you get your at an then age but u got mine when i was twelve and im 13=)

Will it breed me loose?

I get mine when I was 13. ive heard of girls who've gotten them as delayed as 17 and as early as 9. Its different for everyone.

Having sex beside my boyfriend...?

I had my driver's license beforehand I had my period. I be 16. My daughter was only 12 when she get hers.

Question more or less Yaz?

Nine! About five years before my friends started getting theirs, so I thought I was a freak! Does that imply I will go through menopause early too?

If you enjoy sex one week and the subsequent week your term be suppose to ckome.. but it doesnt does that have it in mind you

i get mine when i was 11.
i think the most adjectives age would be about 12.

Homemade breast enlarger?

I got mine contained by the summer when I was 12, last year! =]
Lol, it be on Friday the 13~ =]

Do you take diahhrea while on your spell or around that time?

i think i'll get mine subsequent year or something. if you have discharge, you'll have your extent soon.

Birth control question?!?!?


and it's "mine" not "mines!!" :)

Ok i hold a q something like my boy friend...?

I was 12 and it happened surrounded by school. Luckily I went to an all-girl conservatory.

Period Poll??

Fourteen =|.

I enjoy an appointment to win a procedure done but i am not sure what its call...?

I gots mine at the age of 9

Swimming at the waterslides and enjoy to pee really impossible... What to do??

I was twelve-thirteen. =D

About my monthly cycle extent,,?

13, a couple months ago actually

I've be have regular sex for 8 months near one guy very soon and simply lately i go and get a Strong anguish almost contained by my.

I have my first period when I was nine years aged.

If you use tampons..?

anywhere from like 9-18 or something is normal though.

Armpit fleece (lol) for girls!!?

I be 13 I think.

Which website can describe you when you will go and get your spell??

I was a overdue bloomer!

I got mine when I was 15.

In gym class!..horrible.!

IUCD Removal surgical procedure?

right immediately its my first period and im 12

If u be within, what would u recommend?

14,first day of high-ranking skool

how embarrasing!

Getting rid of a sore bony bum!?

10/11 years old.

Cant sleep while menstruating?

I got mine at 11. I choice I would have gotten mine later.

Problem Adjusting to Hips?

I be 10 :| and ON the 4th of july :|

Could this be considered my term?

Plants poisness?
Does the gyno bestow you a years supply of BC pills at once?
Masterbating... tips?
  • Can you choose the sexual category of your..?
  • What types of things can suspension period

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