Is it true that theres is very soon a mannish birthcontrol pill .. i swear i hear this on the radio the other year ...?

what is it and is ti really true ... because my husband said if there was a nother alternitive to me anyone on birthcontrol taht he would do it ... beacuse i miscarried the last time i was on the pill

appreciation for all your answers

Ladies, which one is better?

yes it is a true it is a pill he has to remember to pocket every single day it is not out yet but it will be out soon it have been in the works since 2001 but since we single release an egg once a month and men release millions of sperm each ejaculation it is harder to create a birth control for them. When it comes out I would also use a back up plan since it will be a brand topical product, you wont know if there are serious side effects.
These are the two types of pills that are going to be coming out soon:

Testosterone-like pill: A drug called "selective androgen receptor modulator," or SARM, is human being tested on humans as an osteoporosis and muscle-wasting treatment. It also shows promise as a male pill, researchers said. A similar drug taken orally reduce sperm counts in rabbits.
Nonhormonal pill: Research shows a non-hormonal compound called CDB-4022 prevents monkey sperm from swimming to their destination. Upon stopping treatment, fertility returned completely surrounded by 16 weeks, according to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh. But the safety of the drug still needs to be tested.

I can just move. Can someone support please?

They hold been working on one for years. They think they are getting close, but it isn't available on the other hand.

Even still, I wouldn't want to be one of the first groups to try it. You never know what kind of side effects they will find a few years down the road.

Women I necessitate your facilitate (gyno issue!)?

I've been audible range about the male pill for yrs. on and rotten the radio.. While the idea of it is really cool and it sounds like a GREAT solution.. Would you really, really trust your husband, bf or significant other to lift a pill on time every time? I would have to use a back-up method anyway!

Teenage hormones making me depressed?


SOOOO tired. Is this middle-of-the-road?

in actuality i work at a radio station and heard that too! i know i heard give or take a few it but i couldn't really get a grasp on exactly what they were wise saying..

Lots of discharge? It's really aggravating, and any minister to would be appreciated!?

i dont know about male birth control pill but collaborate to your doctor there are other alternatives.

Just asked a similar quiz but I don't expect I be clear?

yes there is, i hear about it too i'm not sure what it is

Can dieting affect your menstral cycle.?


Condom cross-question!?

Female Question?
When you enjoy unprotected sex and filch the morning after pill ,go and get a lighting time 2 wk after that,can you be prego
Please give a hand me? Miserable? PMS?
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