
what are signs that a girl is having her period? close to, i know they might be annoyed easily or whatever, but what else? do they wear positive clothes, are there just ways that u could findout short having to ask them if they are on it?

just so consequently i know if i should watch myself when i'm talking to a girl, know when i can jape around about stuff and not get kill for it. not trying to be offensive here

Why dont we allow the girls stir bathroom surrounded by roadside when we allow boys surrounded by india?

no there are no make clear to tale signs

I enjoy never have hose down for 6 yrs..Will i die if i don't start drinking river?

sometimes i wear not so tight clothes BC
of it and sooo do most of my friends.
but you could also tell by if they bring sad
or emotional plentifully or get mad.
but some girls similar to me don't get that stuff
to often it may nouns weird but some girls
are kinda really happy when they are on the
time of the month. i don't know but usually when
i am i don't bring back moody soo really you sometimes
could never tell if they are on it or not.

Is it usual to enjoy sore breasts weeks since your length begin, or is pregnancy more credible?

Some girls might wear certain clothes,
but when I'm on my time of year, I dress as I usually would.

Joking about that stuff doesn't seem really funny,
are here like good joke about it or something?

But anyways, its something girls usually don't like conversation about,
unless they feel comfortable around you.

Hahahahah, abnormal question.

Expert proposal? uterus discomfort?

Some girls wear certain underwear for that special time of the month, but I've never hear of certain clothes. Maybe looser clothes though. There are some subtle signs such as they have a breakout back their period starts, they get upset stomachs repeatedly, nausea, headaches, backpains, breast tenderness, depression, consciousness tired, mood swings, etc. But if I were you, I would just avoid those joke completely.

I come up with I own a yeast infection?

everybodys different
what may point a girl having her period out may change for a different girl

you'll just have to numeral out your girlfriend out

but mood swings can be a sign that shes pmsing

but you can joke around and stuff but i'll depend on the girl and what your doing joking around

Hey I want my time of year?

resourcefully all girl are different some get greatly of cravings specially for chocolate, some get sensitive and cry for everything, some get crams, really moody similar to bad tempered, and so on I guess the merely way to find out is when you have are already partly killed.

I necessitate an answer soon! plz girls solely its sorta personal.?

You should look for mood swings, cramps (she'll say "oh, my stomach is KILLING me!"), hungry for correct foods, etc. Oh, and I would suggest not asking if she is on her period - you would get kill for that!

I reflect on I own the flu...?

you can't really tell by just looking at a girl
they might wear more comfortable clothing or smaller quantity make-up, but it really depends on the girl
they might also go to the bathroom more...but thats just about it

Chets stomach-ache?

This is a bizarre question! You can't tell if a woman is have her period just by looking at her! You nouns very immature.

I own merely started Yaz BC and intuition overly sensitive - wild did this evolve to you too?

Bloating surrounded by the stomach
Sometimes acne
Usually some women wear baggy clothing or maybe comfy clothes similar to sweats or jammies.

Birth control sound out?

You can't tell and what would you be joking in the order of?!
That's just weird!

How do I catch rid of burning?


Question nearly size...?

y banter abt the wrong things in the first place?

Women Only. Please share your PMS secret!?

Strech Marks....??
How masses days after your time does a woman ovulate?
How did yout mother take action when you told her that you hold your first time?
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  • If a girl quit smoking and she wishes to stay diaphanous, how does she protract her weightiness and not gain any immensity??

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