I expect I own a yeast infection?

I have tryed monistat for 7 days now and its given up the ghost. It burns really bad. Do I have to dance to the doctor? If so what are they going to do? Look?? I dont know help me... please answer in detail it help me out. By the way Im 13 if that helps...

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What burns, sweetie? Does the nouns burn when you apply the medicine? Did you buy the inserting medicine as all right as the cream to rub on the outside? Have you been scratching? Does it burn when you urinate? Your age doesn't relief. Women get yeast infections from the time they are young until they quit have a period.

However, it is unusual for a 13 year old to receive a yeast infection.
Are you sexually active? Do you masturbate? You can email me if you want. I would need answers to these question before any reliable answer can help you.

I am an RN

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If you own used monistat for seven days without relief, it may not be a yeast infection. You do involve to see your doctor. It could be a urinary tract infection, and e. coli infection or something else. The doctor will most likely have you dispense a urine sample to check for cells within the urine. They might also need to do an exam, to check the type of discharge.

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you may have a std or you might hold a reaction to the monistat but if i were you i would achieve checked out by your obgyn he will probably do an exam on you. what i mean by std is sexual transmitted disease if you are having unprotected sex you could hold something like that

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it is possible to be allergic to an ingredient in monistat. If so using it can build your symptoms worse. You are supposed to go to a dr for you first yeast infection anyway. So a dr is probally gonna have to facilitate you. They are going to have to examine you down there.

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if it burns, after it's probably not a yeast infection- but definitely an infection of some sort. it sounds pretty bad- you should really go to the doctor. If you can describe it very well then they shouldn't have to look, but they may still anyway. correct luck.

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i think ya better go to the doctors the monistat might be making things worse for you... you could hold an allergy to something in it .. stop using it immediatly.

HELP me GirLs?

i feel you!!
me tooo!
i touch embaresed but i guess i gotta tell my mom!
well truly ive had it before when i be little.
im scared of what the doctors gonna do too.

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sounds like I don`t know you have an urinary tract infection...try drinking cranberry juice and eat lots of yogurt that will help with both problems if it doesn't receive better see a dr

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Only a doctor can tell for sure if you have a yeast infection by taking a swab and run some test. Most of us can sometimes tell by the feel, look, and smell that you own a yeast infection. If your symptoms don't match this list, or you are confused or doubtful, go see your doctor if at all possible.

It feel like an intense itching, burning sensation, localized in your vagina and vulva. This itching is not other present, but can get really bad, so doomed to failure you can hardly walk, tolerate alone sit still or concentrate on anything.

It looks like clumpy white stuff. Most medical descriptions compare the discharge to ricotta cheese, but it can range from gooey and not clumpy to faintly yellow to strong and clear.

It smells like bread or beer. In fact, it smells pretty much exactly approaching yeast.

There are other types of infections that can sometimes infect your vagina and vulva and it's helpful to know the symptoms of all of them so you can be really sure formerly you go treat yourself for a yeast infection you might not have.

A bacterial infection of the vagina can consistency a lot like a yeast infection if the vulval nouns is itchy or painful. Unlike a yeast infection, the discharge can be dark sickly, green, or brown and it won't smell like bread, it can smell like fish or something rotting. If you estimate you might have a bacterial infection, or if you're not sure, get I would recommend going to see your doctor as this have to be treated with prescription antibiotics.

Urinary tract infections (UTI's) are due to bacteria infecting the urethra fairly than the vagina. UTI's can be fairly easily distinguished from vaginal infections by a host of symptoms, including headache or burning when urinating, blood or mucus in urine, needing to urinate regularly, pain or pressure in fund or lower abdomen and a fever or chills. If you give attention to you might have a UTI, don't delay, shift see your doctor, because the infection can travel up past the bladder, causing kidney wounded.

Another type of infection called trichomoniasis is caused by a parasite that can infect both the vagina and the urinary tract, and is primarily sexually transmitted. If you hold a trichomoniasis infection, your vagina can be itchy or painful, it can hurt to urinate, intercourse can be painful, and occasionally you can experience headache in your lower abdomen. Again, you enjoy to see a doctor to get antibiotics to treat this.

I would recommend you see your doctor just to rule out any other infections and to procure a proper diagnosis and proper treatment. If you are using a yeast infection treatment and don't have a yeast infection, obviously doesn`t matter what infection you have could get worse.

Good luck :)

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