Birth control quiz?

ok im ortho tr-cyckeb lo and its 28 pills so should i start bleeding on the 28th day? im on the 23rd pill and im bleeding.. ive been bleeding 5 days very soon.. like my period.. beforehand i got on the pill my period should of started 5 days ago. should i hail as the doctor?? or wait till the 28th pill and see if i start my period when im suppose to?

i know you can bleed between period but i dint know i would bleed almost a keep..

and i thought the pill was suppose to sustain with cramps??

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You don't say how long you hold been taking bc. If you have only started, it may take up to 3 months for your cycle to attune itself to the pills. There is no real rule that bleeding must come on the 28th afternoon of the pills. I always start on the 23 or 24 pill (or 2nd or 3rd placebo). Just give them a while and they should bring more regular. I think your period purely came earlier, fairly than you are bleeding b/w periods.

As for cramps, bc does not always treat them. The point is that bc often makes women enjoy lighter, shorter periods, and so may have smaller amount cramps because of this. There are some brands like Yaz that have be shown to reduce PMS symptoms. Give yourself a few months to acclimate to the pill. If you are still having cramps, irregular bleeding, ring your gyno to discuss other options. Sometimes you have to try a few to draw from the perfect one.

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Um... Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo? That's a 28-day pill where the first 21 pills hold hormone and the last 7 (the green ones in the little ring at the center) are placebos. Your term should start a couple days into the placebo pills (so around pill 23), and it usually ends by the time you start the next pack. You got your spell early (day 18, right?), which basically funds that the birth control is failing to regulate your period. Clearly it's also not helping with your cramps. You should homily to your doctor and see if maybe a higher-dose pill like Ortho Tri-Cyclen might be right for you if these symptoms don't clear up.

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I be on the birth control for a while. If you just started taking it, it could still be trying to regulate your period and might be somewhat weird for a month. When I was on it, I'd return with my period 3 pills into the last 5 pills. It should work itself out, if it's still strange next month's pack talk to your doctor.

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There is a week of placebo pills. Usually you will start a daylight or two after starting your placebo pills, in week four of your pack. If you just started it, it may thieve a month or two before your cycle gets regulated.

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It does nick time to get in a suitable routine, and your cramps will also lessen over time. No need to call the dr however. It will all sort out in 3 or 4 cyles. Don't verbs.

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