How do I achieve rid of burning?

When I go to the bathroom, it burns & stings.
Then when I get up, I hold to go again. And it feels unnatural when I sit. I don't really have UTI. How do I get rid of these problems?


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These symptoms you mentioned can be from multiple things. They nouns a lot like the following.
Kidney Stone

Cystitis can be relatively difficult for some doctors to diagnose. If you have severe back dull pain, feeling of never completely voiding your bladder, pain during urination, frequent urination. This could be why his examination results came back near a negative on the UTI test.

You might rota a visit with a urologist to see if he can examine you for Cystitis.

Good Luck.

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How do you know you don't own a UTI? Those are the classic symptoms. Have you been to the doctor about this? If not, that should be the first entry you do.

EDIT: If the doctor said it was negative, afterwards the doctor should do some more research to find out what is causing your problem. That is their job. If this doctor doesn't do it, budge to another one.

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If it stings and burns when you pee, then you either hold an urinary tract infection or a sexually transmitted diease - Either way, you need to see a doctor for treatment as soon as you can take an appointment. Infections affecting your urinary tract can lead to kidney failure and extermination.

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sounds like sistitas(spelt wrong i think) and it quite adjectives, drink plenty of water 2 flush it out your system and i believe cranberry juice can comfort. if you go 2 the chemist you should be able to buy something over the counter that should facilitate

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Yes you really DO have UTI...that's urinary tract infection. You get rid of adjectives of the symptoms by going to the doctor and giving a urine sample for a test and consequently taking antibiotics!

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They sell these tablets at the local pharmacies called AZO, and they work really in good health. Also, try drinking cranberry juice. You still sound similar to you may have a UTI, so you may want to call your doctor.

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Even though you don't reflect you have a uti, an antibiotic would probably stop your problem.

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It certainly sounds similar to a UTI or a STD. Go see the doctor. This is not normal, and you must be miserable!

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Maybe you should go to the doctors.

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