My poop..?

Is green. It really hurt when it came out. And while I was on the toilet, pooping my heart out, it be similar to that of wiping a hard piece of yap on my poop-shoot. Anyway, its not a regular green. Its like...i dont know..what do i do?

Pregnant? Pill effects? Not sure.?

i had that once but it go away after a while. somebody tricked me into thinking it was salmanela poisoning but it wasn't.go see your doctor. :/

Yaz birth control.?

own you had a changed in your diet? perchance you're allergic to something that you've been eating. try going posterior to what you were eating until that time this started happening to you.

Do I Have Low Potassium? My legs hurt!! ANY NURSES AVAILABLE?

its usually caused by your diet. its green and it hurts because it have a lot of acid.

Please please answer?

Thats disgusting mode too much information. If you are that concerned about your poop you should go see a doctor!

Birth Control Pill (Tridiol 21), but Vomitting Symptoms. Is it okay to chew or dissolve a birth control pill?

Are you taking iron pills? Iron tend to clear poop green and harder to come out go see your doctor.

Girls simply?

you probably just ate something you weren't used to. relax, it be one weird poop.

Condom slipped rotten, but he hadn't ejaculate all the same...morning after pill prescription for a 15 year old-fashioned?

It sounds like you enjoy too much iron in your diet. Just watch what you consume over the subsequent few days. You're fine.

Too cagey going on for my length??

Take a picture for the internet please. LOL just kidding

Something abnormal be contained by my spell?

More fiber.

If i have a procedure to see if my tubes are blocked - whilst pregnant, what would occur to the fetus?

possibly yuh ate sumthin rotton

My friend have trouble..?

dude thats awsome!!
u shouldve posted a pic. u bum.
im gonna go c if my poop looks like that!

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