Why is my pee foggy?
Answers: you want to drink some water. your body needs it to lend a hand flush out everything you have taken in your body.
if its be going on for that long you should go and speak to a doctor. sometimes it just go on for a day but thats normal. when it go on for a week/long time it isnt normal. you need to receive checked out.
stop watching to many horror movies
Only ppl who know just about incontinence can answer plz?
it's probably just protein human being excreted, I think. Good luck with your urine!When will i start my term? :/?
perchance you drank clouds. at least you don't need a smoke gadget. and I +1 Tilda anytime I can!Girls and doctors solitary pleez?
could be a urinary tract infection.. please see your doc b4 it goes to your kidneysIs the shot more effictive for birth control or the pill? or is it equal?
drink more waterYasmin and breakthrough bleeding and diet pills?
Why is my discharge adjectives clumpy and really white?
Little poppings surrounded by my ear?!?
Sore vagina?