Please please answer?

is this hemoroids (check spelling)
when i go to the bathroom lately, i wipe and there is blood ( i know its not my period). It hurts so much to walk to the bathroom. I have bad stomach ache too. what is this? Is it serious?

plz dont say go to a doctor


Can you hold cellulite at a young at heart age?

Bleeding from anus...could be hemorrhoids

Bleeding within stool...could be hemorrhoids, could be something else

Stomach ache may be constipation, which can cause hemorrhoids from straining, which can bring bleeding

We could sit here all night and suppose of all kinds of scenerios...Goodluck...I know this can be alarming.

Married, on birth control, finished extent...when can I enjoy sex in need a condom?

Yeah it could be hemoriods...within most cases you can get som over the counter items to take vigilance of that. prep H or something...but (even though you say don't progress to the doctor maybe you should just to be sure )...that 's what I would do

Ladies on birth control...Need backing, please respond?

Well i hold no clue it could be that you should go to your local pharmacy and tell your symptoms and they might communicate you what is up.Hope it helps. :)

When I...?

umm could be something serious
and only going to the doctor you can receive a real answer to your question!


How can I product my boobs bigger?

it could be a urinary track infection if you are childlike tell your mom but if you are out of your moms house sorry but... see a doctor. ask for a female nurse/doctor. GOOD LUCK!!

Suggest me some tips to control down loss?

I have that in 5th grade, we never figure out what happened, try drinking alot of cranberry juice. if it dosnt clear up within 1 month talk to doctors.

Do u drink tons of chocolate during your term?

i think that you should probably run to the doctor that seems serious

I enjoy to pee roughly speaking 4 times once I lay down and achieve up once contained by the darkness?

see your doctor fast consequently

I have a sneaking suspicion that I hold a cyst contained by my breast, does it require a doctor call round?

go to the doctor go to the doctor, if u prudence about ur life!!

Period cross-question?

I want to stop birth control after one week. (points for you!)?
STILL Waiting!?
I own a ask for girls just and u enjoy to be over 13?
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