Something chance be surrounded by my length?

My boyfriend and I had unprotected intercourse about 3 weeks ago. I hadn't be taking my bc pill as I kept forgetting.The next day within a panic I took the Plan B ECP. I was worried because even next my pd was late so I took a interview that came out negative. Then, after much anticipation, my interval ended up being more or less 2weeks late. Well Ive been on my time for about 2 days now and restarted my bc on Sunday dark. But last night something odd came out when I went to the bathroom. It be this weird, thick, pink, fleshy point. Not trying to gross anyone out but it almost looked like a piece of bloody meat about as long as a nickel. Does anyone enjoy ANY idea what this could be, should I go to the doctors more or less this? Its been really bothering me to the point that I cant eat. :-( Help?

I havent get my spell for almost 4 months presently??

Too much information... but do NOT enjoy sex without birth control unless you actually can knob becoming a mother.
And, no, you don't need to go to the doctor's.

Question for the ladies?

this happen to me too.
its because ur uterus gets lined beside blood and TISSUE throughout the month and then when u get ur term it gets its just some tissue..its gross but it happen...i think it looks like
I don`t know because of all the hormones in the pills, it built up extra gummy this time.and it was late too so it have more time to build up.
go to the doctor if it will make u perceive better..

How can you control anyone "turned on" (mature answers lone please)?

I've heard that women who have miscarriages pretty impulsive on in their pregnancy experience a very hugely heavy period, & sometimes a significant clot will come out with it.
Wear a condom if you can't remember the pill & aren't planning on getting pregnant!
Good luck?

Ladies: How much chocolate do you require while pmsing every month?

I very in good health had the same item. I ended up ignoring it and get sick to the point where I couldn't eat. Then i established to got to the doctor and it was within fact a miscarriage. But then it could also be tissue. But I'd pilfer a trip to the doctor to be on the safe side.

How Old Do you Have To Be birth control ?

blood clot most likly. i get those sometimes. they are really gross looking and suck when they come out. its middle-of-the-road most likly. if it is what i think it is. the way you discribed it, simply sounds like a big nastly clot to me.

Ok, 6 days behind schedule next to my time of year...have sex 6 days ago..., took 3 test adjectives neg. How long should I loaf to question paper??

It could just be a blood clot but blood clots are usually hugely dark red in color. It could also possibly be a misscarriage. I can't be 100% sure as I didnt see it. But I would calendar an appointment with your GYN asap to be sure

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I'm not sure what it is but it could be serious it might just be something little but you should articulate to your mum about it or see a GP.

Pressure when trying to pee?

Sounds like you could enjoy been pregnant and had a highly early miscarrige, mistaking it for you period.


I cogitate for piece of mind just ring you GP and tell them your story and ask if it is worth comming within for a check up.

Is it true when u bring back breast implant they can pop out within 10 yrs or so?

It may have been a blood clot. It happen. Don't worry.

Why would i solely grasp my time of year twice a year?

It's a bloold clot.
Usually a side effect from taking bc

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Have you ever?


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blood clot?

What can i do surrounded by soon that would give a hand...?

I would say you should jump to the docters. You may have miscarried. they will just check you out and see if you are ok. they may put you on some medication. NEXT TIME wear a condom and hang on to taking your pills. your body cant handle the Plan B all the time. It also does something phycologicly to you. Just budge get checked out. no harm surrounded by that!

I got this online about plan b:
The most adjectives side effects associated with the use of Plan B(R) include nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, headache, menstrual change, dizziness, breast tenderness, diarrhea and vomiting. Although women should return to normal menstruation after taking Plan B(R), they should be informed that their subsequent period may be heavier or lighter, earlier or next. Additionally, patients should be advised that they may be pregnant if their period is more than 1 week unpaid.

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