Do I Have Low Potassium? My legs hurt!! ANY NURSES AVAILABLE?

Hello I am 17 and i have been sick for a few days i enjoy been vomiting and dirrhea for like 3 days i cannot hang on to anything down! I think my poassium may be low because my legs CALF's hurt very desperate especiall when i try to walk! they keep cramping up really impossible! I called my doc to see if she would call me surrounded by some potassium but she made me come down this morning to have a blood test? I go for the test and she said the results would be back tomorrow!

WHat do you contemplate that the blood test will show! I am afraid that i am going to have to budge to the hospital What do u think she will say? do u expect my potassium is ok!

THanks just need a lil suggestion

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depends how much diarrhoea u have had...but u r right within thinking abt it cause diarrhoea is rich in potassium...taking potassium wont do u any source is bananna...any advice ..mail me on shivashiva1169(a)

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