My friend have trouble..?

going ot the bathroom, shes a year old female and she cant step pee and always feel resembling she does have to go and when she does it hurts, she is sexually moving

what could she have?

Birth control?

Probably a bladder infection...could be STD but sounds like bladder. She requests to be seen for treatment ASAP so it doesn't go to her kidneys.. In the miserable time she needs to drink plenty of water and cranberry liquid.

I estimate i necessitate a bra do i?

A year old? Wtf? I assume you missed a word in within.
Urgency and that "knife in your tender bits" response when you stop and start peeing are classic Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) signs, but I suppose there could be other STD-type thing too. I regard she should see a doctor. Even a UTI needs antibiotics - and they can happen to anyone. Doesn't enjoy to be sex that gets it going. Tell her to see a doctor soon, especially if she truly cannot pee - she needs medical attention.

What could this be from?

probably have a UTI (urinary Infection)... It burns to go and you only be in motion a little, but feels approaching you need to go habitually. SHe needs to go see a OB/GYn if she is sexually stirring.

Unusually large interval?

I hope that is a typo and she is not 1 years old. It sounds exactly resembling she has a bladder or urinary tract infection. She needs to jump to the dr. ASAP for antibiotics or it could go to her kidneys.

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During sex next to my girlfriend some point quality of come out. i'm not sure what it be.?

shes a year old and sexually involved ?
maybe u should reread..

How come no milk comes out of ?

idk but needs 2 walk 2 doctor!

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I want to know almost ovulation,what is this..?
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