I'm Scared!!?

what will help calm me down? I'm have surgery done tomorrow to remove something off my skin, and i'm allergic to the anestesia, so i will be awake! help!

Just a request for information...?

Calm down, it will be painless. They will freeze the slice of your skin they are operating on, just close your eyes and it will be over in a flash. They will definatley freeze/numb the nouns and I PROMISE it will be painless. Other people in the world are more panicky and are having worse things done , just assume of that. Have some tea and watch TV, take your mind rotten it.


i had to have a mole removed bad of my back and all i get was numbing cream and a numbing shot (which worked very all right and i couldnt feel a thing). If you arent allergic to it : take 2 tylenol p.ms. they dont intereact beside surgery and they dont thin out blood so your allowed to take them since surgery. Thats what i did when i had the mole removed and i was so loopy i be totally fine about what was arranged. I just kindof dosed off. Also i would bring an ipod or something to listen to while they do it. A surgical jingle or tools clanking makes me nervous so i close to to listen to music to block it out. Also telling them that your nervous usually help because they will do little things to make you not so nervous (like keeping the tools away from your eye view)

righteous luck!

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First, close your eyes and take 4-5 very slow reflective breaths - in through your nose and out through your mouth.

They will most probable give you something to numb the area and possibly something to help you relax. Often if the patient is awake, you can ask them to put on music to be precise relaxing for you. You can be assured they will do their best to make you comfortable as it makes their brief much easier when the patient is relaxed.

Do not be shy. When you get in attendance, tell them you are nervous and afraid and why.

As far as tonight go ..think of how you have calmed yourself down within the past. Would it help to hail as a friend and talk about it, or does that gross it worse for you? If so, you may want to find ways to distract yourself - a movie, warm bath, a amble in the fresh air, telephone call someone and talk about things unrelated to your surgery etc.

The most meaningful thing is to remind yourself that, of course, they cannot enjoy a patient writhing around in throbbing or shaking with anxiety while they are trying to operate, so you can be assured, they will find a way to keep hold of you calm and comfortable. Feel free to ask the nurse to hold your hand. Human touch is commonly very helpful.

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Ask your physician/surgeon to administer to you a drug. I had 5 skin (mole) biopsies done on the same year. My dermatologist was so quick that by the time I be starting to panic, he was done. Don't verbs. You'll feel pressure and will want to think you'll be intuition pain, but you won't. I don't know what kind of surgery/procedure you'll be have, but I'm sure you'll have at least a local anesthetic. Good luck and be cool! :-)

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some associates do surgerys with no anestesia. the doctors are specially trained and they will be able to soothe the agony by putting numbing ointment on the area where on earth the surgery is. to take your mind off the surgery, listen to some music or sing a song within your head.
good luck!

hope this help!

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They'll numb the area with a nozzle probably. They did it like a million times when I got stitches from falling, jump, running into stuff, and a lot of other things. After the needle though I didn't have a feeling a thing while they were digging stuff out and later sowing my skin back up so it probably won't hurt in your skin.

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o lol dont worry so u wont have the antasia or wat ever... i have to get surgery wide awake, on my arm.. but its not as doomed to failure as it seems.. really the only route its bad as if u think of wat in that gonna do, but im sure they wont let u go through of late pure pain, just devise of how great it will be after its all over

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First they clean the nouns and then they give you a freezing shot several pokes all the way around it to form sure you don't feel them cutting it stale. The shots by the way hurt worse than if they just cut it past its sell-by date without any pain hired gun but after they take effect you won't feel anything.

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first.breathe and relax. you won't die, you'll be okay, so remember that. also, remember that somewhere surrounded by the world, someone else is having it worse than you are. i hope this helps you. lately relax, youll be looking back on your surgery day around how worried you were. itll be okay.

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You will be fine. I'm sure your doctor will make you awfully comfortable, they won't let you be all tensed up and agitated. Just tell the doctor before he starts the procedure how apprehensive you are and if he can give you something to calm you down. Lot of luck.

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Maybe you can ask more or less a different kind of anaesthetic? Also, ask about taking some painkillers since. Just making these inquiries will help mentally prepare you for your surgery.

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Honey all i can voice is pray. Pray to god ask him to hold you in his arms as you are getting the surgery. I hope you get better.

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That sucks, only just start to think about stuff and obtain into DEEP thoughts, that will hepl take your mind off everything, it works for me...

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shut your eyes. it wont hurt a bit they will own you all doped up so as long as you dont see what they're doing you should be fine.. try sing ing 99 bottles of pop to keeop ur mind off it

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if within doing it while your awake then there pretty confident youll be fine..
dont contemplate about it..
you will get through it..i promise

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you will be fine purely dont think about it or keep under surveillance them do it bring a family member or friend beside you to help you

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I'm sure that knowing that your Dr will make sure that it will be speedy.

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ask the dr to prescribe you a xanax or a valium..

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You will be fine. I'm sure your doctor will make you very comfortable,

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don't presume about it

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ohhmygod.. that will really hurts! u going to feel the twinge of slicing and pealing ur skin off.!
transmit me how it feel ok?
dont be nerveous :P

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